I tried three sleep tracking devices over the course of two weeks

By Aine Ryan|

You can sleep when you're dead... unless you want to live day-to-day with more energy, have better overall fitness and a decreased risk of heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. Sleep sounds kind of good, doesn't it?

But with late-night phone use, varying bed times, the 'revenge bedtime procrastination' phenomenon and everyday stress, getting good sleep isn't always easy.

In my journey to achieve better sleep hygiene, I decided to start tracking my sleep. I used three different trackers in the form of an app, a watch and a sensor-filled mat placed under my mattress.

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Tips for turning your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary
Getting good sleep isn't always easy. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

I learned that I have a fairly regular sleep schedule (asleep by 11.30pm and awake by 6.30am) and my sleep score is typically around 70/100. I don't snore (phew) and my heart rate sits at about 58 bpm when I'm sleeping, which is considered 'normal' but not 'optimal', according to one of the trackers.

I spent nowhere near enough time in the deep sleep phase — the phase of sleep that helps a person recover from physical fatigue so that you wake up feeling refreshed. If you've ever found that you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and you feel quite groggy for a few hours, it's possible you've not had enough deep sleep.

I generally do get enough light sleep (which is physiologically important but the least restorative stage) and REM (rapid eye movement, which is good for emotion regulation and memory consolidation).

I used these three trackers for two weeks, often all three in one night, and here's what I found.

Withings Sleep Analyser

This is a good option if you want convenience. (Withings)

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How does it work?: This was by far the most convenient of the three. It's a slim mat with sensors you place under your mattress and plug in. You download the free Withings App (which, if you own any of their watches or smart scales, you'll already have on your phone) and the data will automatically sync via Wi-Fi. As soon as you get out of bed you can check the app and find your data.

What does it tell you?: It tells you what your sleep score is, how long you slept for, how many times your sleep was interrupted, how long it took you to go to sleep and to get up, and how long you were in the REM, light and deep phases of sleep. Using the sound sensors, it can detect sleep apnoea. It knows when you're sleeping and when you're having a mid-afternoon app.

How much does it cost?: A $199.00 one-time cost.

Pros: Once it's plugged in, you don't have to think about it. You'll never have to turn it on or off. If you slept for five days, forgetting that it existed, all your data would be in the Withings app waiting for you when you remembered. It's a non-wearable device, so if you're like me and don't love sleeping with a watch on, you'll be very comfortable. Plus it tells you if you snore, and if you don't you can brag about this to your sleep partner.

Cons: It's expensive, and if you have a slatted bed frame you'll need to be creative when placing the mat under your mattress so it doesn't slip through.

Sleep Score

This is a good option, but requires a bit of physical set-up each night. (Sleep Score)

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How does it work?: It's a paid app on your phone and can be used on iOS and Android. You put the phone on your bedside table, facing up, with the screen locked or unlocked. The phone height should be aligned to your chest and sitting about an arm's length away, with the base of the phone pointed towards your body. Your phone should be kept charged throughout the night. You need to make sure nothing is obstructing your phone speakers.

What does it tell you?: The app tells you your sleep score which is based on data including your sleep duration, how long it took you to fall asleep, light sleep, deep sleep, REM sleep, breathing disturbances and your wake time. It tells you you when you were experiencing each phase of sleep, and how many times you woke up throughout the night.

How much does it cost?: After a seven-day free trial, the app costs $9.99 a month or $59.99 a year.

Pros: The startup process was straightforward. It tracks your caffeine, alcohol, exercise and stress levels each night before you go to sleep which you can check back on when comparing different nights of sleep.

Cons: You have to remember to set it up properly each night. The app is only effective if it's positioned the right way. Some mornings I woke up and found out that the sleep didn't record because it was positioned slightly too high or too low and had difficulty detecting my movement.

Apple Watch Sleep

Apple Watch's Sleep data, though limited, appears to be the most accurate in terms of sleep duration. (Apple)

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How does it work?: The Apple Watch's Sleep app has built-in sleep tracking. There's a bedtime mode, which puts your watch on do not disturb mode, and it works alongside the iPhone to provide you your sleep data.

What does it tell you?: You can see your average time in bed, average sleep and the duration of your sleep. You can find this data both on the Apple Watch and in the Health app on your iPhone. It can also track your breathing rate as you sleep.

How much does it cost?: From $299, depending on the Apple Watch you choose.

Pros: The data, though limited, appears to be the most accurate in terms of sleep duration. It automatically tracks your sleep as long as the Sleeping Tracking is on and you're wearing the watch.

Cons: The data is basic compared to the other trackers in this article, and it's a pretty expensive sleep tracker if you only want it for that! It is more an added feature if you're already planning on buying the watch. You'll need to sleep with the watch on your wrist which, depending on your sleep position, can be uncomfortable. It doesn't show your sleep stages, just duration.

I've tracked my sleep. Now what?

After using all three devices, I definitely found the Withings Sleep Analyser to be the most useful because it was required the least amount of effort on my part — except for hiding the cord from my wire-chewing puppy. It also provided the most data and got me thinking about my results. While I got more than enough light sleep and REM, my deep sleep stage needs work.

Not my best work. (Withings)

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So how do I up that deep sleep and improve my sleep score? The answer might be in a sleep routine.

According to Australian sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo, this is the best routine before bed to ensure good sleep hygiene.

1. Three hours before bed, start blocking out blue light from your devices. She recommends investing in blue light blocking glasses like these. "They block 100 per cent of the harmful light rays which can otherwise keep you up," she tells 9Honey.

2. Take some lavender capsules, which have been found to improve sleep quality by 45 per cent and reduce anxiety by 59 per cent.

3. Arezzolo suggests setting an alarm for one hour before bed. This alarm is to remind you to disconnect from technology completely.

4. A shower is next — also best taken one hour before bed time.

5. Take a magnesium-based sleep supplement. A University of Leeds paper from 2017 highlighted magnesium could reduce anxiety by 31 per cent, which can otherwise contribute to bedtime resistance.

6. Meditate or read.

7. And finally, put on an eye mask and go to sleep. "Blocking out light is the number one way to improve your sleep," Arezzolo says.

The writer was provided some of these products for review, but all opinions are her own.

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