You can never wash the bugs off your skin

By Stuart Marsh|

Those antibacterial soaps only scratch the surface of what's crawling on your skin. (image) iStock
Those antibacterial soaps only scratch the surface of what's crawling on your skin.

Right now, there are millions of tiny little bugs crawling all over your skin. And, try as you might, but you'll never be able to wash them off.

That's the finding from new research out of the National Human Genome Research Institute in the USA, which has discovered that the bacteria on your skin is remarkably hardy.

 That means no amount of anti-bacterial soap, foam or coffee scrub (sorry, Frank enthusiasts) will ever have you completely germ-free.

What's more, the researchers found that the oiliest parts of your body – like your nose, back and shoulders – are actually the sites of the most stable bacteria and fungal communities on your body.

Even though it sounds (and feels) super gross, having an enormous amount of bacteria on your skin is healthy, and even preferred.

Collectively, all of those bugs and fungi crawling in and out of your pores are known as your "skin microbiome".

Experts estimate that in every square centimetre of your skin, you have 1500 different species of bacteria all battling it out for their slice of fleshy real estate.

It’s enough to make your skin crawl, but don't worry – these bacterial and fungal strains are so small that they are completely undetectable to the human eye.

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In order to measure just how much bacteria we have on our skin, and to measure how settled the bug population was, the scientists enrolled 12 healthy adults and took skin samples from each.

With these skin samples, the researchers then performed metagenomic shotgun sequencing, which – despite sounding like a redneck wedding – involves randomly shearing strands of DNA and then reconstructing them.

What they found was that the human skin microbiome was remarkably stable – no matter how old we grew, how intensely we scrubbed in the shower or how dirty we lived, the bacteria population was roughly always the same.

According to the researchers, this new data may be able to explain why skin conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema all seem to affect "moist" sites.

Interestingly, the researchers found that areas which tend to get a little hot and stuffy – like your feet, armpits and genitals – are the sites of the least stable bacteria populations.

(This may also explain why these spots are the most likely culprits for a fungal infection like athlete's foot or ringworm.)

According to Professor Julie Segre, one of the microbiologists who led the study, this research could pave the way to a better understanding of why some people suffer terribly from acne while others do not.

"Future studies can use the knowledge of the relative stability of the skin microbial communities in healthy adults to understand how various exposures or disease state may alter these skin microbes," says Segre.

"For example, studies in acne patients could explore whether specific strains bloom during adolescent acne flares or change with medications such as antibiotics."

RELATED: Why is everyone talking about gut bacteria?

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