6 common fitness myths busted by experts

By Kristine Tarbert |

The fitness industry is cluttered with myths and misconceptions.

"While some myths like 'no pain, no gain' are slowly fading away, many continue to gain traction and are doing more harm than good," female strength coach, Monique McCreanor, tells 9Honey.

"Seeing fitness myths online, especially ones that go viral, makes me incredibly sad. As a coach, I want to educate people so they can avoid making the common mistakes that many people, including me, make."

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Shot of a young woman taking a break from her workout at the gym (Getty)

"I don't want to see people not making progress towards their health and fitness goals because they are going around in circles listening to misleading information," she adds.

To help sift through some of that misinformation, here, Myprotein ambassador McCreanor, along with trainers Tom Bailey and Brittany McCrystal tackle some of the most common training myths:

Myth 1: You have to train hard every day to get results

All three experts agree that having a rest day, when you need it, is just as important as the training itself. 

"Recovery is where the magic happens with your training," McCreanor notes. "If you're spending every day training too hard, then your body won't have the opportunity to fully reap the benefits."

Myth 2: Training with heavy weights will make you look bulky

This is 100 per cent a myth.

"Cis-gendered women have a different hormone profile, which means that weight lifting will not make them look bulky," McCrystal highlights, "but instead will help to tone and become stronger."

Men's Transformation Coach, Bailey, also points out that lifting heavy weights is what signals the demand for muscle growth in the body. "But in order to fulfil this, eating sufficiently is essential," he says.

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Woman working out with dumbells
A common misconception for women is that weights will make you bulky. (iStock)

Myth 3: Training in the morning garners better results

The trainers all say that there is only one time that is the best for providing optimal results for your training – and that is at a time that suits you.

"Consistency is key," says Bailey, "and everyone is different so will perform better at different times."

And McCrystal agrees, adding that even though she is a personal trainer, she "never trains in the morning". Meanwhile, McCreanor says that selecting a time that means you'll enjoy it is preferable.

Myth 4: If you're not working out for more than an hour, it's a waste of time

When it comes to training, the quality of movement is far more important than the time spent on the session.

"Better programming and intensity means better results," Bailey comments. "Workouts should also vary in length, depending on the goal and each individual's training level."

McCreanor adds that you are better off spending 30 minutes in the gym on a solid and effective weight session or an hour doing "inefficient exercises that barely make an impact".

Myth 5: Sweating means you're working out harder

The best thing to understand when it comes to sweat is that it varies from person to person and is dependent on other external variables like the heat or ventilation in the room whilst training.

"Sweat is a body's normal response to temperature and does not always give a good indication of how hard you are working," Bailey says.

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Woman sweating
Sweat does not always give a good indication of how hard you are working. (iStock)

Myth 6: Cardio kills your gains

When it comes to combining cardio and other types of training, there are a few things to consider.

"Doing cardio immediately before or after resistance training is called concurrent training and has been shown to be less effective at increasing strength and size than resistance training alone," Bailey explains.

So if max gains are your goal, keep your cardio separate from the weights sessions.

"Additionally, if you burn enough calories from cardio to put you into a calorie deficit, this could also mean you start dropping weight," he adds.

McCreanor says she is a huge advocate for hybrid training, but also splits her own training sessions.

"As long as you're eating enough calories and hitting your daily protein intake, you won't kill your gains with cardio," she says.

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