S--t people say to health experts

By Kimberly Gillan|

From psychologists to personal trainers, health experts tend to be put on a pedestal as we imagine them effortlessly engaging in self-care.

But it turns out they're human like the rest of us – flaws and all.

We spoke to some of our go-to gurus to find out about the assumptions people make about the way they live their lives.

"It must be so easy for you to work out"

Trainer Ben Lucas says people often assume it's simple to fit in a daily session, but it's just as hard for him to find time to exercise as the rest of us.

"As trainers, we are usually with clients back-to-back, so it’s hard to find time to train ourselves.

"We often start our days very early and finish very late, and we give so much of our energy to our clients, which often leaves us feeling tired. We have to dig deep for motivation to train super early in the morning or late in the evening.

"I try my best to get up at 4am before my family wakes up or I start with clients but it is just not always possible."

"You must always be Zen"

Sydney psychologist Melissa Podmore says that while she has a good arsenal of mental health tricks up her sleeve, she is still human.

"People often assume that your life is not messy just because you're a psychologist, and that you're always Zen.

"While my colleagues and I would dream of this, it simply isn't the reality. We don't live in a bubble and our world, our relationships and challenges mean that we too can go through tricky or intense times. We need to really look after ourselves, our minds and bodies [just like anyone else]."

"What foods do you ban?"

There's no such thing as a restrictive diet for accredited practising dietitian Anna Debenham (pictured left).

"People often assume that as dietitians we must eliminate entire foods groups or have certain foods that are 'off-limits'.

"The truth is that there are no foods or drinks that I exclude from my diet altogether. Cutting out entire food groups is not sustainable and the research shows that those who lose weight by cutting out foods, like carbohydrates, will regain this weight once the carbs are reincorporated back into their diet.

"Plus, cutting out entire food groups can deprive the body of essential nutrients that it requires to function at its best.

"People often think that my pantry must be jammed packed with superfoods like goji berries, matcha powder and cacao nibs but honestly, my kitchen is are loaded with a bunch of healthy, wholesome everyday foods, not fancy powders and supplements."

RELATED: Reminder: There is no such thing as a food you're never allowed to eat

"You must have always been bendy"

After growing up a tom boy, yoga teacher Kate Kendall says she couldn't even touch her toes when she started yoga.

"When I was young, my favourite activities consisted on BMXing, waterskiing, hockey and any other sport I could get involved in. I went nowhere near a tutu and thought gymnastics was for ‘girls’. In fact when I started yoga I couldn’t touch my toes but it’s amazing what consistency and dedication and listening to your body does. I opened up really quickly with consistency.

"And when people say they can’t do yoga because they are inflexible, it’s like saying you don’t go to the doctor because you’re sick. We practice to increase our mobility, as well as take advantage of all those other mental benefits of course – yoga is my medicine and without it, I'm simply crazy!"

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