Why gym addicts should see a personal trainer (even if you think you already know everything)

By Sam Downing|

Added bonus of seeing a PT: they might be a babe (iStock)
Thinking of getting a PT? Here's what you need to know.

For a long time I was sceptical of personal trainers — I was getting pretty decent results training in the gym by myself, and after a string of idiot PTs, I was pretty confident they couldn't teach me anything I didn't already know.

(In my defence I was in my mid-twenties, "I know everything there is to know about everything" years when I thought that.)

It was only when I was finally paired up with a good PT, who swiftly started kicking my butt in the gym, that I realised how wrong I'd been (which I meekly admitted to myself when I felt close to tears midway through yet another excruciating legs day with my new trainer).

With expert help, I boosted my training and my results (and the number of times I cried per week).

It's a no-brainer that total fitness newbies should see a PT to get some direction — that's why most gyms offer a few free (or steeply discounted) sessions for newcomers.

But even intermediate-level gymgoers who've been training solo for a while, be it lifting weights or hammering cardio, can benefit from one-on-one sessions with a PT.

Goal, plan, progress

Think about whether your fitness regimen includes these three factors:

A goal: You know what you're working towards — and it's more specific than just "lose weight" or "build muscle". (Vague goals don't cut it.) You have a purpose that motivates you to exercise.

A plan: When you start exercising, you have a solid idea what you're doing to achieve by the end of each session. "Failing to plan is planning to fail" is your (admittedly kind of annoying) fitness mantra.

Progress: You spend your days modestly thanking your friends for complimenting you on how great you're looking, or how fit you seem.

If you have all three things: congratulations! You're killing it. But if you're missing just one, that could be a sign you're ready to see a PT to kick up your training.

Kris Cochrane, founder and CEO of RapidPT, likens it to building a house — which requires knowledge and building materials and a strong mindset to see it through.

"If you have experience and a strong mindset, but no building materials, it's not going to happen. You need to join all those pieces together to build the house," he tells Coach.

Same goes for fitness: if you're missing one of those three elements, you're at risk of not achieving your maximum potential or of plateauing.

Like lifting weights? A PT will make you love it

If you're missing one of those three factors, it might not seem like such a big deal — you hit your gym's weight floor every day just because you love it, not because you want #gains.

That's awesome. But you could get other types of gains from a PT.

"A trainer might teach you some new things, some new ways of training, new exercises," Cochrane says. "It will definitely advance your performance."

It's also possible you think you're working out hard on your own — but that you don't actually know the meaning of hard work, because a trainer has never pushed you to your true limit (a lesson I learned on that fateful legs day).

A PT will also correct your technique. While your squat or bench press might seem to flow pretty smoothly, a qualified expert can spot flaws you'll never know are there… until years later, when you develop an injury from a lifetime of imperfect form.

That's particularly important if you're a devotee of group training classes (like F45): as great as their instructors can be, it's unlikely they have time to teach every participant how to deadlift properly. A few one-on-ones with a PT on the side could prevent a serious injury.

PTs aren't just for muscle-building

There's a common misconception you only need a PT if you're an aspiring bodybuilder or want to fling the heaviest possible weights around the gym.

A PT probably will get you lifting weights — but not to turn you into the Hulk. Resistance training has a ton of other benefits, such as boosted cardiovascular health, bone density, and insulin sensitivity.

"A good trainer will educate you on what those benefits are and get you excited about trying it," explains Cochrane (who, by the way, has a PT of his own).

FYI, personal trainers aren't just for weight lifting: they can help with most fitness and health-related goals, including weight loss, body composition, and injury recovery and prevention. A mate of mine even learned to handstand from his PT.

If you've spent hours Googling what exercises you should do in the gym and guidelines about what to eat (and been left frustrated by all the conflicting bro science out there), a PT will take all that pressure off. The planning is their job — you only have to focus on your training.

"We have a lot of CEOs who train with us, who spend their whole day making big decisions at their work. When they come to train with us, the last thing they want to decide is what to do in the gym," says Cochrane. "That's where we come in."

A PT will also make sure you stick to that plan, which they've (ideally) tailored to your specific goal. It's that "personalised strategy and personal accountability" which Cochrane believes gives PT another advantage over training solo, or over F45/bootcamp-style group training.

Is personal training worth the cost?

Cochrane concedes PT can be pricey (you're probably looking at anywhere from $70 to $100 per session), but argues the expense should be looked at in perspective

"What would you pay if I offered you a magic pill that could get you in the best shape of your life, help you lose weight, make you fit, healthy and energetic?" he asks.

"How much are those things worth to you? The same as a home loan? A car loan? I don't have a magic pill, but personal training is the closest thing you'll get."

Big cost demands big results, so if you're not getting closer to your goal, Cochrane advises looking for a new PT — even if you and your current trainer get on amazingly. As he points out, a PT's role isn't to be a paid friend.

If you can't afford a trainer long-term, that's fine: You'll likely improve if you only recruit a PT for semi-regular sessions, or even as a one-off.

"Most clients I see weekly or twice a week, but it's common for people just to do a couple of sessions, or to write a program for them," Cochrane says. "I'll teach them a few things, and they'll be on their way, and I might see them again in a month or six weeks."

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