Sleep paralysis explained: What causes nightmares and night terrors

By Sam Downing|

Open another browser tab and google "The Nightmare Henry Fuseli".

This 18th century painting is disturbing: it depicts a woman swooning in deep sleep, a chimp-like demon crouched on her torso.

The creature is an incubus, a type of demon that appears in folklore around the world (it's also commonly known as a succubus) and is notorious for visiting its victims at night, rendering them unable to move and filling their minds with dread.

What causes sleep paralysis?

The modern scientific explanation for the incubus is sleep paralysis, a condition where you're unable to move or speak when you fall asleep or wake up, often accompanied by dream-like hallucinations or strong emotions.

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Surprised scared funny african girl lying in bed covering face with blanket, young black woman awake from sleep hiding peeking from duvet feel shy afraid or bad dream nightmare embarrassed, top view
Sleep paralysis is a condition where you're unable to move or speak when you fall asleep or wake up. (iStock)

Your body naturally "paralyses" itself during rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep to stop you acting out what you're dreaming, and when this system malfunctions it's thought to cause sleep paralysis.

"You get the paralysis of REM sleep that is a normal phenomenon, but occurring before the brain actually goes off to sleep, so you're aware of it," Professor Ron Grunstein, a sleep disorder specialist from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

"Some people, they're dreaming and they wake up, but they can't move, but they're still in the sort of dream – and that can be a quite disconcerting and absolutely hallucinatory sort of experience."

Though sleep paralysis is understandably frightening, especially the first time it happens to you, Professor Grunstein says it usually lasts a short time and that those who experience it regularly "kind of get used to it".

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People can experience sleep paralysis for genetic reasons, because of conditions like narcolepsy, if they're going through stressful periods, or because of irregular sleep patterns.

"There's higher rates [of sleep paralysis] in shift workers, people who are on call, stuff like that – their brains are a little bit more activated," says Professor Grunstein. "If you look at the epidemiology of sleep paralysis, there seems to be evidence that more people have a disrupted sleep schedule."

Sleepy young woman rubs her eyes while sitting in bed in the morning feeling tired after waking up. Bad restless sleep. stress, nightmares
Sleep paralysis is on the same continuum as night terrors. (iStock)

What are night terrors?

Sleep paralysis is on the same continuum as night terrors – an equally unsettling condition characterised by intense feelings of fear and panic, usually in the first hours of sleep. If your child or partner has experienced night terrors, you might have been unable to console them… and it's likely they didn't even remember the incident the next day.

"They're waking up screaming and their whole fear-and-flight systems are activated," says Grunstein, a professor of sleep medicine at the University of Sydney.

Night terrors are a different beast to nightmares.

He says adults are less likely to get night terrors but they're "remarkably common" in children, adding they can have a dire effect on both a child's and their parents' quality of life.

"When my youngest son was five or six, his friend's parents were very keen for their son to come over for a sleepover," shares Professor Grunstein. "Middle of the night, this kid had a terrible night terror, seemed inconsolable. In the morning the parents came and I said, 'Do you know your kid has night terrors?' They said, 'No, we weren't sure – but we thought you'd be able to diagnose him'."

What causes night terrors?

Like sleep paralysis, night terrors often have a genetic or psychological basis. 

"In adults who've got it, sometimes they don't have it for ages, and then something stressful happens to them and it reactivates," Professor Grunstein says. "I've had patients whose parent has died, and for the first time in 20 years, they've started to get their night terrors back."

Alcohol is considered a trigger for night terrors by some sleep specialists. (Getty)

Alcohol is considered a trigger for night terrors by some sleep specialists. And, cruelly, night terrors themselves can trigger more night terrors because they deprive their victims of sleep.

"Their sleep's disturbed by the night terrors… which probably impairs their ability to get back to sleep," says Professor Grunstein. "Sleep deprivation is something that people with night terrors need to avoid… You'll sometimes anecdotally see people say they caught up on my sleep and [they're] better now."

Night terrors vs nightmares: what's the difference?

Note that night terrors are a different beast to nightmares. The former are likely to occur in the early part of the night during slow-wave "deep" sleep (kids experience more of this kind of sleep, which is why they're more prone to night terrors), while the latter usually occur during REM sleep later in the night.

Professor Grunstein says a key difference between night terrors and 'mares is their "story content".

"[Nightmares] can be quite thematic – the story can be long and with a frightening sort of ending [whereas] night terrors are often like a sword suddenly appearing or some frightening image like that. They're rarely thematic like a dream," he says. "With night terrors, there's not a strong association with post-traumatic stress. Whereas nightmares, there is."

Bad sleep
Night terrors are a different beast to nightmares. (iStock)

Crueller still, night terrors and related sleep disorders often aren't taken seriously – as if they're just bad dreams that sufferers should forget about.

"This is not a joke… [it's] a serious problem for the people who suffer from it, and their families," cautions professor Grunstein. "And we are a bit hamstrung, because there's an absence of evidence for what the best approach is [to treat it]."

While medications can be used to treat sleep disorders like night terrors, one of the best defences against them is good "sleep hygiene" – aka good sleep habits.

"Encouraging regular sleep and avoiding sleep deprivation, avoiding too much fluid before you go to bed, avoiding alcohol," suggests Professor Grunstein. "Try and make sure that your sleep is going to be less disrupted."

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