To build muscle, the weight you lift matters less than you think

By Sam Downing|

Ultimate Performance training
Ultimate Performance training client's before-and-after transformation (Supplied)

Even though it's called "weightlifting", it's not just about how much weight you can lift.

Yet that seems to be lost on many weightlifters — look around any gym and any hour and you're guaranteed to see at least one guy (it's almost always a man) struggling through a sloppy set with the heaviest dumbbells or most overloaded barbell he can find.

How much weight you lift certainly matters for muscle growth. But how you lift it matters more.

RELATED: How to lift differently, instead of lifting heavier

I was reminded of this when I was invited to work out with personal trainer Anthony Wilson at Ultimate Performance's Sydney CBD gym. Its walls are plastered with before-and-after photos of UP clients, both local and international, and some of the transformations are phenomenal — so the coaches here must be onto something.

Ultimate Performance training
An Ultimate Performance training client (Supplied)

UP provides its clients with a variety of workout programs depending on their goals and ability level. For our session, Wilson selects German body composition training — an austere-sounding method supposedly developed at the height of the Cold War, when an Eastern bloc sports scientist defected to the West and smuggled his muscle-building secrets with him.

Despite sounding like a plot point lifted from a paperback thriller you'd pick up at an airport, German body composition (GBC) is a straightforward protocol that pairs opposing body parts into single supersets — a legs exercise doubled up with a back exercise, for example.

"[GBC] is often upper-body/lower-body exercises," Wilson explains. "We try to get a full-body workout per session. So if someone's training three times a week, we're hitting the major muscle groups three times — that will stimulate a lot more muscle growth."

One of the purported advantages to these kinds of supersets is invisible: they raise blood lactate levels more than sets involving just one part part, spurring all-over muscle growth and fat loss. Another advantage is practical: a full-body session in the gym is (in my opinion) a lot more interesting than just doing legs day or arms day.

At least for a certain definition of "interesting", anyway. My workout under Wilson's supervision is nauseatingly brutal — he strictly enforces both short rest periods between supersets and a slow, controlled tempo on every repetition, which means everything hurts despite the lighter-than-usual weights he has me use.

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Wilson explains that puts relatively lighter weights in his clients' hands not only because it's safer, but because they'll get better results by training "with intent" rather than just training heavy.

"A lot of people just move weight from A to B without thinking of the muscle," he says. "If you're trying to stimulate the muscle to grow the main thing to do is put it under stress, but if you're recruiting the wrong muscles, you're not going to get any stronger."

He says this is a tough message to get across to the gym-going masses who just want to lift the heaviest weight they can, even if it means their technique suffers.

"A lot of [proper weight-lifting is leaving ego at the door. It's a discipline thing," he says. "Even when the PTs here at UP work out, we don't go much heavier — we focus on technique. 

"If you're going to do an exercise make sure you do it properly, and make sure every rep is the same from the first to the last," he says. "If you rush through it, it's a waste of time. That's the main thing I try to get across to my clients."

Ultimate Performance training
An Ultimate Performance training client (Supplied)

I put it to him that many gymgoers might avoid GBC not just because of the lighter weights, but its emphasis on full-body workouts — the "never skip legs day" meme has circulated for years, yet every gym still has plenty of guys with giant upper bodies floating over their twiggy, rarely-challenged legs.

"I've got a couple of clients who hate training legs. Legs hurts!" Wilson laughs. "We have to educate them why we do it. You've got a full body, and it's pointless training just one part of it and letting the rest go weak."

Wilson adds that it's also pointless to train hard in the gym if it's not supported by what you do outside the gym, which is why UP's personal trainers also work with clients on their nutrition, sleep and stress.

"What UP is made of is foundations — doing the basics really well," he says. "There's no magic formula to getting results. It's training hard and sticking to your nutrition. That's all it is. No bullshit. No excuses. Hard work pays off."

Ground rules of German body composition training

Sold on GBC? UP training senior trainer Reid Stafford outlines the strategies that will optimise any weight-lifting session in the gym.

1. Prioritise multi-joint exercises first in the workout, leave single joint to the end. You should always work the most amount of muscle first and then finish with target or priority muscle groups last. 

This means prioritising big multi-joint exercises first like deadlifts, squats and row variation, and leaving smaller "target" muscles, like biceps curls, lateral raises and calf raises, until the end of your workout. 

2. Sort exercises into groups — paired sets or "supersets" always work best. Pairing exercises together, or even grouping three or four exercises together, is more time-efficient, meaning you do effectively work double the amount of muscle in half the time. 

3. Most skilled exercises first, "dumb" exercises last. Perform your most challenging, complex or technical lifts at the start of your workout when you are mentally and physically fresh so you can get the best out of the exercise while avoiding injury. For example, squats first and leg extensions last. Or bench press first, triceps extensions last. 

4. Pair exercises so there is no interference. Squats and rows is a good idea, but squats and lunges is not. Deadlifts and bench press is a good idea, but deadlift and pulldowns isn’t. 

Make sure that the two exercises don’t have cross over in muscle groups that are worked when performing supersets.

5. Consider upper/lower pairings. Programming supersets with an upper-body movement followed by a lower-body movement is very effective. This is because there is less interference between muscle groups, but also it provides a greater intensity of conditioning. Peripheral heart training involves the heart having to continuously pump blood around the entire body.

6. Consider agonist/antagonist supersets. This is another great way of pairing alternating exercises that target opposing muscle groups. Chest/back pairings, quad/hamstring pairings work well. Interestingly, performing a row has been shown to improve pressing strength and vice versa.

7. Time rest periods. Keep rest periods 60-90 seconds rest.

8. Work for 8-12 reps. Working in this rep range on your GBC program ensures the maximum amount of volume in the given timeframe.

9. Use controlled tempo. This not only increases time under tension on the muscle, but it also ensures the quality of lifting remains high.

10. Pick exercises that are easy to set up (especially in a busy gym). This keeps the flow of the session going, and avoids disruption in a commercial gym.

RELATED: How to get your workout done when the gym is packed at peak hour

11. Log your lifts. Ensure that you progress every session (reps, sets, loads).

12. Consider 2-3 program variations across the week. This ensures you hit the muscle from all angles — greater strength and muscle tissue gains. It's impossible to hit every exercise in a single session.

13. Train with a partner — “you go, I go” style. This is a good way of keeping motivation high. It will make you more competitive, and help you stick to form, rest periods, tempo, and so on.

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