Lacking energy? These questions will help you work out why

By Kimberly Gillan|

If you're so tired of waking up tired, here's how to get more bounce in your step

So tired of waking up tired? Here's how to get more bounce in your step. 

If you've ruled out illness and still feel blah, it could be worth giving your life an energy once-over to ensure you're doing everything in your power to be alert. Here's how.

Are you eating enough? 

If you're not consuming enough calories to get you through the day then there's a good chance you'll feel sub-par. 

"The first step [in finding energy] should be to make sure you're eating enough," epigenetic dietitian Nathan Baldwin from Discovery Nutrition in Brisbane, tells Coach.

"A basic way to ensure this is eating three main meals a day and snacks when necessary."

If your goal is energy, Harvard Medical School experts advise choosing low glycaemic index (GI) foods, which release energy slowly, thus keeping us alert longer. Think whole grains, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils.

Baldwin says quitting whole food groups, such as dairy or carbohydrates, can make you susceptible to nutrient deficiencies.

"The energy [calories] we receive from fat, carbohydrates and protein are like fuel to a car," he explains.

"The vitamins, minerals and nutrients we receive from eating a variety of minimally processed and healthy foods are like the engine to a car. If somebody has lots of fuel but their engine is barely running, then we can't expect their body to be performing optimally or [well able] to convert the fuel into energy."

Are you playing the long game?

When you're exhausted, finding the energy to cook or plan healthy meals can feel impossible but Baldwin says it's worth it in the long run.

"[Try not to] get caught in the trap of going to fast food and convenience options just because you are feeling tired," he says. 

"These options are generally very nutrient-poor [and] continue to feed the cycle of lethargy."

Have you had your iron levels checked?

Iron is a mineral that helps us transport oxygen around the blood and is critical for energy production. So if you're feeling tired, it might be worth getting a blood test to check your levels.

"If it's mildly low, I tend to focus on the diet and getting people to increase their green, leafy vegetables and iron-rich foods," GP Dr Deb Sambo, a spokesperson for RACGP, tells Coach.

"If the iron levels don't pick up, I might start them on iron supplements … or an iron infusion [which might] boost energy levels in a short amount of time."

Are you sitting still too much?

If you're feeling lethargic, your natural inclination may be to sag into the couch but some light exercise can spark a release of hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which make you feel energised.

"Once [medical conditions] have been ruled out, the simple advice I give to people is to move," Dr Sambo says.

"Be active, start with a simple five-minute walk and build up when you're comfortable to go further. You get [a hit of] feel good hormones, a nice flow of blood to the head and the muscles – it does wonders for people with a low mood or feeling lethargic."

Have you drunk enough water?

Dehydration can really suck the life out of you, so make sure you guzzle some water if you're feeling your eyes glaze over.

"Dehydration can have a significant impact on brain cognition, making it much harder to complete the same amount of work and leaving us feeling much more drained at the end of the day," Baldwin says.

"Hydration is also important to support optimal function of our organs."

The best way to tell if you are well hydrated is if you are peeing regularly and it's clear in colour.

Did you time your coffee right?

If you've hit a slump in the morning, then a tea or coffee could be a smart move.

"Caffeine is a fantastic stimulant with lots of health properties," Baldwin says.

"To make it as effective as possible, use it when your natural energy starts to fall."

If you can get through the first few hours of the day using energy stores built through good rest, healthy food in the previous days and regular exercise, then you can reach for coffee when you start to wane.

"When you're past that morning slump, that's the best time to enjoy your coffee to help you through the rest of the day," Baldwin explains.

"Try not to go over four shorts of coffee each day, as this is when it can start to dehydrate you more than the fluid you're consuming it with. Also keep an eye on your personal response … [caffeine can] increase stress and anxiety in some."

Are you looking after your emotional health?

It's common to associate depression with feeling melancholy or sad, but Dr Sambo says depression can present as tiredness, particularly in men.

"Quite often people come in and they say, 'I feel lethargic' and then you start to explore that line and [may be able to] pin it down to something else going on," Dr Sambo says.

Different people get perked up by different things, so if you find being with friends rejuvenating then organise a catch-up. But if you need alone time to recharge then clearing the calendar when you're feeling wiped is a no-brainer.

"Listening to your body and finding what is going to be best for you is always going to help you find the happiest and healthiest balance," Baldwin says.

Are you getting enough rest?

The most sure-fire way to feel energised is to get enough shut-eye and as much as it might interfere with your ambitious ideas, the average adult needs eight-and-a-quarter hours of sleep each night.

That said, everyone varies – some people need even more than that, others less – so try instil some good sleep hygiene so you fall asleep easily and rest well.

"Studies have shown that checking your phone and computers before bed keeps you awake," Dr Sambo points out.

"[I talk to patients about] setting a fixed time to go to bed and avoiding alcohol at least a couple of hours before you go to bed – and limiting the amount of alcohol that is consumed. 

"The same goes for caffeine close to bedtime – you should not have a cup of coffee at 10pm and expect to go to bed and wake up fresh."

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