Struggling to stay active and motivated in winter? Get a dog

By Sam Downing|

If you struggle to stay physically active in the cold depths of winter, a dog could be the perfect motivator to get you up and about.

If you struggle to stay physically active in the cold depths of winter, a dog could be the perfect motivator to get you up and about.

According to research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, owning a dog reduces time spent sitting every day by an average 30 minutes — and the effect is especially pronounced in cold, wet weather.

A study of more than 3000 English people revealed that, while everyone is less active on shorter, colder or wetter days, dog owners are much less likely to sit around at home in poor conditions.

“When we looked at how the amount of physical activity participants undertook each day varied by weather conditions, we were really surprised at the size of the differences between those who walked dogs and the rest of the study participants,” said the University of Cambridge’s Dr Yu-Tzu Wu, the lead author of the paper, in a statement.

“We were amazed to find that dog walkers were on average more physically active and spent less time sitting on the coldest, wettest, and darkest days than non-dog owners were on long, sunny, and warm summer days,” added Professor Andy Jones from the University of East Anglia, the study’s co-author.

Two-thirds of dog owners reported walking their pet at least once a day, making them 20 percent more physically active than those who didn’t own a dog.

RELATED: How dogs boost your health at every stage of life

The research team cautioned their finding doesn’t directly prove dogs make their owners more active — it could be that being healthy and active simply makes you more likely to own a dog — and added dogs might not be such great motivators in regions with more extreme weather.

The study specifically examined adults aged 49 and 91, an age group that doesn’t move enough: less than half are though to meet the recommended target of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.

The results highlight the importance of “extrinsic motivators” to compel you to get active, especially as you get older.

“Being driven by something other than our own needs might be a really potent motivator and we need to find ways of tapping into it when designing exercise interventions in the future,” said Jones.

RELATED: How to strengthen your bond with your dog: understand how they perceive the world

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