Metabolic syndrome: A third of Australians have it, and more are at risk

By Kimberly Gillan|

Sugar could be to blame for this condition mysteriously known as "syndrome X".

We constantly hear about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and exercising to ward off obesity — but in fact what we're trying to avoid is metabolic syndrome, which affects 35 percent of Australian adults.

Also known as insulin resistance or syndrome X, metabolic syndrome is a collection of disorders that increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease or having a heart attack or stroke.

It's characterised by having at least three of these five criteria: fat around the abdomen; high blood pressure; raised blood triglycerides; low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol; and elevated blood glucose levels.

While metabolic syndrome is thought to have a genetic basis, being sedentary and overweight increases your risk.

The fall-out is not just an increased risk of illness or early death but, according to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), even at increased risk of sleep deprivation and depression.

The most obvious way for doctors to check if you have metabolic syndrome is by measuring your waist circumference – the Heart Foundation suggest that a waist greater than 94cm for men and 80cm for women can indicate you have fat around your heart, kidney, liver, pancreas and digestive organs, which can effectively choke them and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

There is no proven medical treatment for metabolic syndrome, so at this stage, it mostly involves recommending a change to diet and exercise programs, with patients often recommended to cut their daily kilojoule intake by 2500 under the guidance of a dietitian.

"The risk of [metabolic syndrome] is reduced by increased leisure time physical activity, especially higher intensity activities such as fast walking or jogging," write the RACGP.

"Increased emphasis should be placed on at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity and resistance training, especially in the elderly and in those who have comorbid depression."

Many experts say it's sugar in particular that is to blame for the extraordinary number of people with the syndrome.

Tomas Aragon, from UC Berkley's School of Public Health, argues that repeated consumption of sugary drinks leads to "fatty liver, high insulin, insulin resistance, excessive fat storage and leptin resistance. We call this metabolic syndrome".

In fact, Aragon says that sugar tricks our brains into thinking that we are starving, prompting us to eat more and exercise less.

Another small study into 37 obese children with metabolic syndrome found that if they kept their energy intake the same but simply swapped sweet foods for savoury ones like pizza and bagels, the kids had lowered bio-markers for cardiovascular disease after only nine days.

Obviously subsisting on pizza and bagels is hardly a healthy way to be — however it kind of makes you think twice about smashing that raspberry white chocolate muffin for morning tea.

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