How to stay motivated and healthy in your 30s, 40s and 50s

By 9Honey|

Ah, to be twenty-something — able to eat whatever we want, survive on minimal shut-eye, and let exercise fall by the wayside without too much fallout.

Then we hit our thirties, forties or fifties and suddenly health and fitness is a far more complex beast.

It's clear there's no one-size-fits-all approach to staying in shape, so how do we ensure we're looking and feeling our best with each passing decade?

Nutritionist Dr Joanne McMillan and fitness expert Wendy Smith (The Healthy Mummy) know all too well the evolving nature of maintaining health and fitness as we age. Together, they've carved out some nutrition and fitness guidelines to make staying on top of your health at any age a breeze. Here's what they recommend.

Nutritionist Dr Joanna McMillan and fitness coach Wendy Smith on Today

In your 30s ...

You could be short on time and sleep due to career progression, a growing family or social commitments. And that's where these clever nutrition and fitness shortcuts come in handy.

In your thirties you want your diet to contain plenty of slow-release energy foods —what McMillan refers to as "smart carbs". But forget slaving away in the kitchen — she suggests stocking up on a range of ready-made healthy supermarket staples.

"I love these microwavable wholegrain rice packs. I've been buying this kale slaw — it's fantastic with a sort of yoghurt-y dressing ... Canned beans, canned tuna — all of these foods are great," Dr McMillan tells Today.

In the fresh produce department, you can't go wrong with low-GI veg like sweet potato and legumes.

"That's going to help you to control your appetite and really help to keep your energy up while you try to control you weight. "

In the fitness department, Smith says if you're lacking in motivation (but not in excuses to avoid exercise) tracking your diet and activity levels on a phone app can help make you more "accountable."

Once you're ready to get active, Smith suggests a core workout involving rotating knee lifts — particularly for women who've given birth.

"It's all about abs, butts and thighs . As a new mum you want to close the gap between the abdominal muscles. Some people might have diastasis recti [abdominal separation after birth] or sore back problems. It's really good for the core. "

In your 40s ...

This decade is all about protection, good fats, and eating according to your exercise output, according to McMillan.

"What tends to start happening as we head towards menopause, and particularly around menopause, you might find you're getting more fat around the middle, and that's the hormonal changes ," she says.

Upping your level of foods containing mono-unsaturated fats, like extra virgin olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, can even help with portion control.

"Get plenty of fruits and veggies in there, as that's also when we start needing our antioxidants so we're ageing as well as we possibly can ."

Fitness coach Wendy Smith on Today
Wendy Smith swears by rotating knee lifts for staying fit in your thirties. (Today)

This is also a decade in which risk of injury sky-rockets, family demands increase, and self neglect takes a toll on your energy levels like never before.

If you're short on time, Smith recommends this exercise.

"Lunges — this is a really good one. Lunges are great because it's working pretty much your whole body, and your abs, your butt, your thighs — the core areas that we really want to focus on. "

In your 50s ...

The other thing that happens when you go through menopause is your bone density takes a big drop , McMillan says.

The solution? Healthy, calcium-rich foods.

"Dairy foods are fantastic for calcium. If you're trying to avoid dairy then look for calcium-fortified plant based [foods]."

If dairy isn't an option, the nutritionist also swears by salmon or sardines with edible bones as a great source of calcium.

Things like oily fish, anti-oxidant-rich berries and fruit and veg can also reduce inflammation — which can be a huge issue as we get older.

For exercise, walking can be a great way to safely get exercise and reduce risk of injury — and doing so in the sunshine has an added bonus.

"Get outdoors and walk and then you get your vitamin D."

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