How to prevent bonking during your run

By Stuart Marsh|

Bonking: not as pleasurable as it sounds. (Image) iStock
Bonking: Not as pleasurable as it sounds.

It might sound the oddest headline you'll read today, but if you do any kind of long-distance training you may be more familiar with a mid-run bonk than you think.

Despite sounding like the nocturnal activity of an upper-class British couple, "bonking" is when you suddenly feel a rapid loss of energy during long bouts of exercise.

Here in Australia, we commonly refer to it as "hitting the wall" – and it's most prevalent during endurance events like long runs, triathlons and open water swims.

So how do you avoid suddenly bonking when you're all hot and sweaty?

We asked Body Science experts and endurance running power-couple Chief Brabon and Emilie Brabon-Hames to shed some light on beating your running demons when you're halfway through an event.

The science of the bonk

In order to beat the bonk, you must first understand what's happening inside your body when your legs suddenly feel like they're encased in concrete and your vision starts to fade.

"Bonking, or as most Aussie runners call it 'hitting the wall', is when an athlete suddenly feels a rapid drop in energy levels due to a depletion of glycogen stores in the muscle," Brabon tells Coach.

"When this happens runners will feel weak, their muscles won’t respond as expected, they will lose concentration and may even have blurry peripheral vision."

For those scratching their head, glycogen is a form of energy storage in your body that your muscles draw on when you're exercising.

Think of your body like the fuel tank of a car – when you consume carbohydrates you're essentially filling up the tank with glycogen, and when you exercise you burn up that fuel to power you along.

(It's not the most accurate analogy – the human body is way, way more complex than a car – but it gives you a big-picture idea of how everything is running.)

So in that respect, bonking is what happens when you're only halfway through an exercise session, and your fuel tank full of glycogen suddenly runs dry – and let's be honest, nobody likes a dry bonk.

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How to fuel your body to beat the bonk

The difference between completing your local charity run like an elegant gazelle or stumbling about simply surviving every step all comes down to how you fuel your body in the days leading up to the event.

"When it comes to avoiding hitting the wall, it's important to eat high carbohydrate, unprocessed low GI meals in the lead up to the event," explains Brabon-Hammes.

But just because you've been given the green-light for all things gluten doesn’t mean you can just hit up your local Italian restaurant for a self-induced carbohydrate coma.

"The common mistake here is that many people believe that 'carb-loading' gives them carte blanche to eat sugar laden treats in the days before an event," says Brabon-Hammes.

"This is actually the worst thing to do, particular when it comes to your pre-race breakfast."

RELATED: How to nail carb-loading before a race

Nail your mid-race nutrition

If you're participating in particularly long-distance events – like a marathon or a full-scale triathlon – then you might need to look into mid-race nutrition.

By ingesting nutrients halfway through a race, you're effectively topping up your fuel stores without running the risk of turning up feeling heavy and bloated at the start of the race.

"Consuming calories during the event by way of gels, sports drinks or even fruit such as bananas will help to maintain your glycogen stores," says Brabon-Hammes.

"If you eat high GI, sugary foods before the race it will spike your insulin levels which will actually reduce your glycogen stores, and inhibit your ability to use fat for energy."

The real key to avoiding the dreaded bonk: Knowing your limits

You could have the perfect race-day routine complete with the right nutrition and a perfect night's sleep, but if you out-run your level of conditioning you're simply asking to experience "the wall" quicker than you realise.

"It is very easy on race day to get caught up in all the hype and excitement and to go out too hard too early," says Brabon.

"If you do this your body won’t be able to covert fat to energy fast enough, which means you will start eating in to your glycogen stores, edging you closer and closer to 'the wall'".

To beat this, Brabon recommends wearing a heart rate monitor so that you can actually gauge how hard you're working without having to guesstimate. Another great way of self-regulating is to promise yourself that you'll run the second half of the race quicker than the first.

"Unless you are working at 70to 85 percent of your VO2 Max for more than two hours, which is pretty hard work, you shouldn't actually reach severe glycogen depletion," explains Brabon.

"What that means is, if you are forced to stop during a run before the two-hour mark, it is not due to bonking, it is more likely that you have simply gone out too hard, or are not conditioned enough to run for that period of time."

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