Almond milk: sure, it’s good for you — but it’s not a nutritional wonder potion

By Sam Downing|

Some brands of almond milk contain almost no actual almonds.

It’s less and less likely Australians are adding cow’s milk to their cereal or coffee: alternative milks have surged in recent years, conquering vast tracts of supermarket shelves. 

In addition to good old soy, there’s oat milk, rice milk, coconut milk and macadamia milk — not to mention other animal milks from goats, sheep and even camels. (FYI, pig milk is also a thing, but apparently it’s not very economical to produce and tastes extremely “gamey”.)

But the king of alternative milks, at least judging by its domination of supermarkets and cafes, is almond milk.

There’s plenty of reasons to favour almond milk: not only will it make your latte even hipper, you might also prefer its taste to cow’s milk, and it’s relatively low in calories (50 calories or less per 250ml cup of unsweetened almond milk, compared to 162 in full cream milk, 111 in reduced fat milk and 178 calories in oat milk).

But is it healthier?

“No,” says accredited practicing dietitian Lauren McGuckin from All About Balance, who tells Coach that for the average healthy person, there’s not really much of a benefit in switching to almond milk.

In fact, she explains almond milk could turn out to be less healthy — nut and plant milks don’t naturally contain much calcium, so if you don’t choose a calcium-fortified brand, you could be missing out on the vital nutrient.

Almond milk is also much lower in other nutrients like protein, so drinking it doesn't have the same nutritional punch as eating a handful of almonds.

RELATED: What you need to know when substituting almond, rice and soy milk for dairy

While almond milk is lower in calories, McGuckin says that doesn’t mean much for weight loss unless you’re swilling significant amounts of milk a day.

“If someone is just using a splash of milk in their coffee or tea or adding it to their morning muesli, it’s unlikely to make a noteworthy difference to overall energy intake,” she notes.

If you’re dairy or lactose intolerant, McGuckin says a good quality, calcium fortified, unsweetened almond milk is “a perfectly suitable substitute”. However, don’t believe the hipster hype spruiking almond as the alternative milk to rule them all.

“All nut and plant milk products have their advantages — all are lactose and dairy free; most are gluten free, with the exception of oat milk; fat and saturated fat contents are low; and they’re all suitable for vegetarians and vegans.”

But any alternative milk also has potential disadvantages: “Some aren’t fortified with calcium and or vitamin B12, some contain very little of their core ingredient, some are sweetened and contain a significant amount of sugar.”

“It’s also nice to have a variety of plant and nut milks for those with dairy or lactose intolerances and other health issues, as each have a unique flavour and texture,” she adds.

Know what’s in your almond milk

If you go almond milk, be sure you’re drinking an unsweetened variety so you're not downing a hit of sugar. (Note that just because an almond milk is labelled “original” doesn’t mean it’s unsweetened.)

McGuckin also advises almond milk drinkers to look for brands with a higher percentage of almonds — some contain as low as 2 percent.

“The first ingredient is usually filtered water,” she says. “More of the core ingredient means you’ll be getting more of the health benefits and won’t be wasting your money!”

The almonds in some common unsweetened almond milk brands, from highest to lowest:

Several harder-to-find brands (listed by Choice) may also have a higher almond percentage.

Your milk vs. the environment

Californian almond grove (Getty Images)

What some might not realise as they sip their almond milk macchiato with a dash of cinnamon is that almond milk is, from an environmental point of view, a bit of a disaster.

The impact is particularly hard in California, where 80 percent of the world’s almond supply is grown.

Almond advocates might rightly point out that it’s not like producing cow’s milk is so hot for the Earth either: a 2016 analysis by the University of California, Los Angeles determined that almond milk production requires more water but emits less greenhouse gases, whereas cow’s milk requires less water but emits more greenhouses gases.

“These two products present a trade­off where consumers must decide which environmental impact is more important: water usage or climate change,” wrote the analysis’s authors. (So it’s basically Sophie’s Choice, but for milk.)

The environmental question is a tough one, but producing almond milk obviously involves less potential for animal cruelty than producing cow’s milk — the former is made by grinding almonds with water then straining out the nut pulp, not by milking teensy almond udders with machines.

And sure, you could make your own almond milk at home — it’s easier than you think, but it’s not actually very cost-effective.

RELATED: Got (the best) milk? How to choose the right milk for you

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