Keep your heart healthy with three cups of coffee or a handful of nuts every day

By Sam Downing|

The everyday foods that help your heart

Two new studies point to everyday foods that help your heart: coffee and nuts.

The first study quashes the myth caffeinated beverages are bad for you, finding that drinking moderate levels reduces the frequency of arrhythmias — abnormal heart rhythms that make it beat too fast or too slow.

According to the study's lead author Dr Peter Kistler, an electrophysiologist from Melbourne's Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, there's a common perception caffeine is an "acute trigger" for heart rhythm problems.

"Our extensive review of the medical literature suggests this is not the case," he said in a statement.

Published in Clinical Electrophysiology, a journal of the American College of Cardiology, the study reviewed earlier research to tease out the link between caffeine intake and its impact on arrhythmias.

The review found regular coffee drinkers were less likely to be hit by a common type of heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation, aka heart flutter. That's because those flutters can be brought on by a chemical called adenosine, which is cancelled out by caffeine.

(Sidenote: Caffeine and adenosine's rivalry is also why a cup of coffee makes you more alert. When adenosine builds up in the brain, it binds with adenosine receptors to increase "sleep pressure". But caffeine binds with those same receptors and blocks adenosine — preventing you feeling sleepy.)

RELATED: Drink coffee and eat plants to strengthen your heart

Research suggests up to 300mg of caffeine per day is likely to be safe for arrhythmic patients, an amount equal to about three coffees. (The review's authors cautioned you should avoid energy drinks, which can contain up to 500mg of caffeine in one hit, if you have a heart condition.)

“Caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea may have long-term anti-arrhythmic properties mediated by antioxidant effects and antagonism of adenosine,” Kistler said.

"In numerous population-based studies, patients who regularly consume coffee and tea at moderate levels have a lower lifetime risk of developing heart rhythm problems and possibly improved survival."


Nuts to your heart

A separate study published in the journal Heart suggests regular servings of nuts might also lower the risk of atrial fibrillation.

It's well-established eating nuts is linked to a lowered risk of death from cardiovascular disease in general, but researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet wanted to know how nuts affect specific cardiovascular diseases.

Drawing on data from more than 60,000 Swedish adults, the researchers determined that the more nuts you eat, the lower your atrial fibrillation risk appears to be.

A serve of nuts (usually defined as between 20-30g, or about a handful) one to three times a month was linked to a 3 percent lower risk, compared to an 18 percent lower risk when eating them three or more times a week.

RELATED: Raw vs roasted: what’s the healthiest way to eat nuts?

The researchers also found nuts are linked to a lowered risk of heart failure, though this association was less clear-cut.

And you don't have to go nuts on nuts to earn their heart benefits.

"Since only a small proportion of this population had moderate (about 5 percent) or high (less than 2 percent) nut consumption, even a small increase in nut consumption may have large potential to lead to a reduction in incidence of atrial fibrillation and heart failure," the researchers concluded.

RELATED: Why fatty foods like cheese and nuts probably aren’t as bad as everyone thinks

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