Lift weights to boost your heart health

By Sam Downing|

All types of exercise are good for you — anything you do is better than nothing.

But everyone likes to quibble over the best exercise, and a recent study set out to determine the type that's most beneficial for heart health.

A team from St George’s University in Grenada compared two types of exercise: static activities (resistance and strength training, for example) and dynamic activities (aerobic training such as walking and biking).

The researchers drew on health data collected from more than 4000 US adults who were measured for cardiovascular risk factors — high blood pressure, being overweight, diabetes and high cholesterol — as well as the types of exercise they reported doing.

RELATED: Aerobic exercise vs resistance exercise: Which one should you focus on?

Both static and dynamic activities were linked to rates of cardiovascular risk factors, but one activity appeared to have a slight edge.

“Both strength training and aerobic activity appeared to be heart healthy, even in small amounts, at the population level,” said Dr Maia Smith in a statement to the American College of Cardiology (ACC).

"However, static activity appeared more beneficial than dynamic."

But Smith added that study participants who did both static and dynamic activity fared better than those who did just one type.

Other studies have also concluded that a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise offer the biggest cardiovascular boost, and health authorities prescribe at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity as well as at least two days of strength-building activity per week.

A study published earlier in 2018 suggested that, no matter how old you are, you'll improve your heart health if you start exercising today. That agrees with Smith's research, which determined that both static and dynamic activities were almost as popular in older people as in younger.

"I believe this gives clinicians the opportunity to counsel their older patients that they will fit into the gym or the road race just fine," she said.

"The important thing is to make sure they are engaging in physical activity."

The findings were presented at the American College of Cardiology Latin American Conference in Lima, Peru.

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