How to find energy to work out, according to a(n insanely energetic) spin instructor

By Sam Downing|

Emma Masters leads her class at Virgin Active Barangaroo
No one has more energy than a spin instructor. Here's her pro tips

The old line "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" might as well be about the struggle to exercise.

How many times have you brimmed with energy to work out on a Monday, but by Wednesday you're half-arsing your way through a weights session or boxing class, and by Friday you've chucked in this fitness thing altogether (until Sunday, when the cycle begins anew)?

For advice on finding energy to start or maintain a fitness kick, I turned to Emma Masters, a head coach at the newly opened (and stunning, FYI) Virgin Active Barangaroo in Sydney.

I took Masters' Revolution Cycle class when the club launched in March, and she is brimming with energy — even by the dynamic standards of group fitness instructors. So what's her secret?

"Duracell batteries," she quips. "I'm a robot."

Speaking to Coach, she explained how us non-robots can find energy.

Find something you actually enjoy

Masters credits passion as the biggest factor in finding the blazing energy to lead her classes.

"If you love [what you're doing] inside-out and back-to-front, you want to give it everything because you want to share it," she says.

For everyday exercisers, that means finding a form of fitness you're passionate about — maybe the reason you keep skipping that 6AM class isn't because you're a lazy blob but because that class just isn't your thing.

"You have to want to sit there [in my class]," says Masters. "I can't force you to sit on a bike that goes nowhere and pedal your legs around and around, so if you're genuinely not loving it, it's not going to get out of bed in the morning."

The upside is that most big gyms (including Virgin Active) go way beyond the standard weights and aerobics now, offering cycling, boxing and HIIT. And outside the gym you can try hiking or bouldering or swimming or literally hundreds of activities — keep experimenting until you find your fitness passion.

Train with a friend (or make a new one)

It's one thing to promise yourself you'll hit the gym tomorrow, then pull out last-minute. It's another thing to promise a friend, then pull out last-minute — leaving them solo and fuming.

"Have a workout buddy, someone you're committed to," Masters says. "If you're training with someone and you've promised you'll be there, I know that's definitely got me out bed a few times."

RELATED: How to get the most out of walking: do it with a group

If you can't rustle up a friend or family member or coworker to exercise with, Masters suggests asking your fitness instructor or trainer to keep you accountable — or better yet, buddying up to strangers you work out with. Not only will it energise you, it'll build a powerful social network.

"I'm from England, and the biggest place I've found friends [in Australia] is in community-based fitness stuff. You can make real family there," Masters says. "You all get out of bed in the morning [to train together] then go for breakfast after, get juice together… it's a tribal thing."

(Virgin Active)

Pick your music

You're well aware how demotivating it is to forget to take your headphones at the gym, forcing you to listen to cheesy tracks you hate. Or worse — when the gym's speakers conk out, and you realise you're surrounded by sweaty strangers working out in awkward silence broken only by grunting.

"Music is in my soul but I think it's in most people's," says Masters, who carefully curates the beats and lyrics of the tunes played in her class to evoke the perfect "intention" for the session.

"There's science behind heartbeat rhythm and why a certain beats per minute is so effective — that's why people love to work out to music, and why it motivates them," she says.

The likes of Spotify and Apple Music have dozens of workout playlists packed with up-tempo tunes to motivate you, Rocky-style.

RELATED: The type of music that boosts your cardio workout

Plan ahead — especially for morning workouts

If the snooze button is your ultimate morning motivation killer, you're not alone: Masters says morning classes have by far the highest drop-out rate.

"The alarm beeps and you roll over and you're like, 'Ugh, the last thing I feel like doing is exercising'. So you snooze and cancel [your workout]," she says. "Everybody has that moment."

The trick to getting through it is eliminating excuses by "making everything as easy as possible".

"Get your stuff ready the night before — maybe even have your coffee ready to brew, your breakfast ready to eat," Masters suggests. "I can faff in the morning, I can get up and say 'Oh no, now I have to find… and I haven't got my…' But then it's too late, and I might as well not go [to the gym]."

Consider ditching your fitness tracker

Train at Virgin Active Barangaroo and you'll notice there are no metrics — nothing built in to the workouts that measures calories burned, distance travelled, minutes exercised.

Masters explains it was a "big" decision to remove the metrics, because while there are big advantages to tracking your workout, it can also "become obsessive and discouraging".

That's borne out by studies suggesting some people (but not all) are turned off exercise that's focused on numbers and calculations — they become fixated on hitting a target prescribed by their fitness tracker, and lose motivation if they fail to do so.

So if your tracker feels more like a bully PE teacher than an inspiring coach, lose it.

"Real tech-y people still wear a fitness tracker or a heart rate monitor [in my classes] and we don't want to stop them — but it's not the focus," Masters says. "It's to release and let go and smile and actually enjoy exercise. You're still going to burn your calories and see results and get those exercise benefits."

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