'Stop sabotaging success': Trainer shares five fitness mistakes you might be making

By Kristine Tarbert |

There is no doubt regular exercise and fitness can do wonders for your energy levels and health, and it's likely many people will be using the New Year as motivation to kick start some changes.

But we can all make mistakes, says Sam Waller, Fitness Expert and CEO of Stepz Fitness, whether you are just getting back into a routine or have been consistently working out.

"Maybe you're not seeing the results you had hoped for, or have a niggling injury," he tells 9Honey Coach.

Luckily, with these minor tweaks, he says you can confidently stop sabotaging success and hindering your fitness progress.

READ MORE: Trainer reveals why cardio before lifting weights isn't good

Stop sabotaging success and hindering your fitness progress by making these mistakes. (Getty)

"You might be surprised at how easy it is to fix these little mistakes and get back to smashing your fitness goals."

Here, he shares the most common mistakes and how to fix them.

1. Overdoing the same workout

The first few weeks of a training program are always the hardest. Your body is being pushed and adjusting to a new norm. But if you stick with it, you'll find that your body gets into a rhythm and eventually those early mornings and sore muscles are all worth it. 

One mistake that often catches people by surprise is not ensuring there is enough variety in your workouts. Going to the gym and smashing out the same sets with the same amount of weight will not give you the results you are looking for. After four months or 16 weeks, your body will stop responding to repetitive workouts, meaning it is time to mix things up. 

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2. Lack of planning 

It's important to plan your exercise or workout routines based on your goals. With such busy lifestyles, it's easy to forget or neglect our dedicated workout time. But if it's in our diaries then it's non-negotiable, just like dinner plans or a business meeting.

Planning doesn't have to be extremely regimented, but for those who just want results, I would say it comes down to setting goals and a routine in advance. This can mean having different muscle groups that are focused on per workout, which are spaced out. A great way to do this is to have specific leg, arm and core workouts that you can interchange to create variety and still achieve your goals. 

Sam Waller, Fitness Expert and CEO of Stepz Fitness
Sam Waller, Fitness Expert and CEO of Stepz Fitness. (Supplied)

If you are looking for improvements in muscle strength or increased cardio, you should also focus on increasing your weight slightly every week, or the amount you run. For example, if you are focused on gaining strength or muscle over an eight week block, each week you should aim to increase your weight by, say 2.5 to five kilogram increments. 

A more advanced approach to planning your workouts would be a method called periodisation. Periodisation is breaking your training into eight to 12 week phases. In each phase you have a specific focus which is based around your larger fitness goal. This isn't necessary for everyone, but is a great way to stay on track and ensure that you eliminate those potential mistakes.

3. Ignoring the little things

Warming up is crucial. I know you probably hear this all the time, but here it is one more time: warming up is so important!

If you're about to head for a run, I would suggest some dynamic stretches and mobility warm ups as well as walking for 10 mins. If you're at the gym, grab a foam roller so you can do dynamic stretches before starting your workout. If you're lifting weights, don't go straight into a working set. Start light and let your muscles warm up before you put on those extra plates for your working sets.

Warming up properly before a workout can make all the difference. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

4. Too hard too soon 

If you're trying out a new workout or just getting back into fitness, it's important to ease yourself into it. Don't go straight from zero to 100 as this will certainly lead to muscle soreness and or injury. 

There is growing research suggesting that DOMS (Delayed onset Muscle Soreness) shouldn't be something you use to gauge workout effectiveness. So if you find you are struggling down stairs and bending over the day after a workout, you might need to ease up. 

It is also important to remember that if you have had a break from exercise, you shouldn't go straight into doing the same intensity and weights you were before you stopped. Instead, gradually increase your weights, as most injuries occur when people overestimate their ability. If you do this, you'll be back to your BP's in no-time, minus the injury.

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5. Recovery 

If you want to see results from your workouts, you need recovery. Especially sleep! Sorry to all the night owls, but sleep is the Trojan Horse of health. It is necessary for almost every type of tissue and system in the body, from the brain, heart, lungs, to metabolism, immune function, mood and disease resistance. 

A day off is not the end of the world! I'll be honest, it was really hard for me to take a day off from exercise. I had feelings of guilt which I am sure almost everyone has experienced. However, I have recently started taking a break and letting my body recover and I am feeling more refreshed than ever and less burnt out. My workouts are having more of a positive impact and I'm able to get on top of falling into any of those tricky fitness mistakes that we can all find ourselves facing at times.

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