To stay motivated to exercise during winter, do this

By Sam Downing|

Every year, without fail, I am asked "How do I stay motivated to exercise during winter?"

To be honest, the whole idea of motivation is kind of BS — if you only did boring or unpleasant chores when you felt motivated, you would never do anything.

You never feel motivated to brush your teeth, yet you brush your teeth a couple of times day (...I hope). It's just something you do because you know it's good for you, not because you're forever bursting with dental purpose. Same deal with exercising in winter, or at any other time of year.

So think of these as strategies to help you just do exercise in winter — rather than something you feel motivated to do.

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Get into an exercise habit before winter strikes

If you're in a solid workout routine from September to May, it's less of a chore to drag yourself to the gym or yoga or F45 or whatever from June to August. Habits and consistency are the (very boring, not so secret) secrets to health.

Admittedly this strategy is pretty useless if you decide to start a fitness kick and it's already mid-July, so… better luck next winter?

Adopt the 10-minute rule

This is a good one at any time of year. If it's cold out and you really don't feel like exercising, don't immediately write off your workout. Instead, make this deal with yourself: "I'll exercise for 10 minutes, and if I'm really truly genuinely hating it, I can go home."

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, you will get 10 minutes into a workout, realise it's not so awful, then endure the whole thing.

Prepare yourself

Preparation is one of the other very-boring-not-so-secret secrets to health. It's especially vital for early-morning winter workouts: have your activewear set aside and/or your bag packed before you go to bed, so you can wake up and shuffle to the gym in full zombie mode. Minimise the number of excuses you can make to justify sliding back into your cosy, comfy bed.

Swap to a winter-friendly workout

Running or swimming outside: amazing in summer, potentially less amazing in winter. Common sense dictates you take your workout indoors when it's cold outdoors — there is no shortage of activities, from brutal HIIT workouts to breezier dance classes. "I can't exercise because it's too chilly to leave the house" is not a valid excuse either, because you can do a quality workout at home (here are plenty of free ones you can try).

Whatever activity you choose, make sure it's something you actually enjoy! That sounds like more common sense, but you would not believe the number of people who think "exercise" equals "lacing up my old runners and plodding along the pavement for an hour", or some other drudge they despise.

Move more

Exercise is pretty great, but it's just one form of physical activity. And any physical activity is better than no physical activity.

If you're too cold to work out, you can keep up your fitness just by moving around more in your everyday life: time-worn tricks include parking your car further from the shops, taking stairs instead of elevators, and taking regular breaks from sitting at work. This concept has a tidy nickname: non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT.

If you do that movement at a rate that leaves you a bit short of breath — another concept nicknamed high-intensity incidental physical activity, or HIIPA — you'll benefit even more.

RELATED: Why weight gain seems inevitable in winter (and why it isn't)

Rope in a friend

Another smart strategy for any time of year: if you know your mate (or family member, or co-worker) is at the gym waiting for you to show up, you're less likely to bail.

The downside of this tactic is that, if you and your friend are equally unmotivated, you'll encourage each other to skip your workout. In that case, you may need to break up as exercise buddies and team up with someone a little more hard-arse… like a personal trainer.

Set a goal

Finishing a half-marathon. Getting a deadlift PB. Swimming 10 laps without stopping. That kind of long-term fitness goal will give your training purpose during the long winter months. Even "I want to look good on the beach in summer" is a decent goal, albeit a shallow one — but if it's what motivates you to uphold your exercise routine, go for it.

Take a break... or suck it up

If you really, really, really hate exercising when it's cold… don't exercise when it's cold. Cut back your usual workout schedule, or go into full gym hibernation and then start back up when spring approaches.

Or just... deal it with. Honestly, it doesn't get that cold in Australia. You're not buried under six feet of snow. The sun doesn't set for months on end. You are not a little baby who can't hack single-digit temperatures for more than a couple of seconds. Exercise kind of sucks at the best of times, and winter isn't going to make it suck that much more.

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