Poop in a pill: why this miracle cure is becoming easier to swallow

By Stuart Marsh|

(image) iStock
Faecal transplants may hold the key to giving you a healthy gut

Having someone else's poo injected into your body to treat abdominal cramping, excessive bloating or constant diarrhoea is a cure that sounds worse than the disease.

But leading American stool bank OpenBiome is making the treatment a little easier to swallow by developing a new pill filled with poo.

Studies have shown faecal transplants are immensely beneficial to those suffering from recurring C. difficile infections, which has symptoms including watery diarrhoea up to 15 times a day, severe abdominal pain and fever.

By ingesting the poo from a person with healthy gut bacteria, your body begins to replace the harmful bacteria and establishes a new microbial community in the gut – wiping out symptoms over just a few days.

Traditionally these faecal microbial transplants (also known as FMT) were a last resort treatment that involved invasive procedures like colonoscopies and enemas to insert the faeces into a patient.

The procedure was time-consuming and expensive – costing as much as $10,000 –  not to mention gross.

But the new capsules, dubbed as "poop pills", are heralded as a low-cost, less invasive and more palatable alternative.

"The first thing we started thinking about was, we need to get rid of the colonoscopy" OpenBiome founder Dr Mark B Smith told the New York Times, explaining the development of the bizarre pills.

RELATED: Sydney doctor using poo transplants to cure 'incurable' diseases

Getting human waste into dissolvable capsules proved to be easier said than done, as the active gut bacteria needed to be warm to be effective.

"It's got to retain viability," Dr. Smith said. "It's got to all be done at room-to-body temperature."

OpenBiome finally developed the capsules by using tiny droplets of aqueous fat to trap the good bacteria resting in human faeces. As a result the pills remain solid at room temperature and only liquefy once they find their way inside your small intestine.

Recent results shows that 70 percent of patients treated with one dose of "poo pills" made full recoveries, with up to 94 percent of patients making a full recovery after being re-treated with a second dose.

In Australia, one professor has been championing faecal transplants for 25 years. Professor Tom Borody believes the procedure has the potential to treat a variety of diseases, including Crohn's, colitis, autoimmune diseases and even some neurological conditions.

"We know that bacteria manufacture active anti-microbial molecules, so when we infuse these new bacteria they are like a factory of antibiotics that has gone in [to the gut], and they weed out and kill the bug that we cannot identify," Professor Borody told ABC News.

But before you head to the shops to purchase these miracle pills, be prepared for them to impact your wallet: a 30 capsule regimen will set you back almost $650.

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