Here's how much healthier you'll be at the end of the year if you get your act together from January 1

By Kimberly Gillan|

If you commit to long-haul health, with gradual, sustainable health changes, you'll be amazed how different things could be by next December.

From blood pressure to weight, fitness and stress levels, there is a lot you can improve if you take the time to focus on achieving your best self during 2023.

You could lose 52kg

If you have a lot of weight to lose, health guidelines usually suggest aiming for 500 grams to 1 kilogram per week, which could feasibly see you drop 52 kilograms in a year.

"I like to emphasise not focusing on weight – but if you do want to focus on weight, maybe just weigh yourself once a month instead of every day because our body shape and our body fat stores take a long time to show changes," says accredited practising dietitian Tim McMaster, who is a spokesperson for the Dietitian's Association of Australia.

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You could lose 52kg a year if you start on January 1.

McMaster says that if you want to maintain healthy living momentum, then you need to play a long game.

"I've had so many people come to me in October and say I want to lose 30 kilograms by Christmas but I ask them, 'How long did it take to put those 30 kilograms on?'" he says.

"They'll say, 'It has probably crept up over 10 years.' So I suggest you have a year as a plan and break that into smaller plans or goals along the way so you can tick them off each time you get to them."

You could do a push-up or pull-up

Always eyeing off the buff ones at the gym effortlessly pulling up or pushing down? That could be you this year. 

"Things like doing planks or push-ups or pull-ups you could absolutely achieve in a few months to half a year, depending on what your starting point was," exercise physiologist Carly Ryan tells 9Honey Coach.

"It takes about six to eight weeks to start seeing changes, and then every three months or so you want to change your program up with some new challenges."

You could achieve a push-up, pull-up or plank in a few months to half a year.

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You could run a marathon

Always wanted to get a 42km marathon run under your belt? Twelve months can get you there, even if you're starting from scratch. have a 12-month training plan to take you from sedentary to finish line-crosser or if you want to start a bit smaller first, Keep it Cleaner have five kilometre and 10 kilometre running plans.

"A lot of people will be able to build up to really long runs in a year and if you were already fairly active, then getting up to a half marathon or a marathon, depending on your schedule and your health and your motivation, could easily be doable," Ryan says.

"It’s about realising that you’ve got 12 full months, so if you’re able to maintain that motivation, then really, what can’t you do?"

Running a marathon is also an option.

You could get your blood pressure under control

If your doctor has given you a talking to about your rising blood pressure, some healthy lifestyle changes could see you ride out 2023 medication-free.

In fact, if you get started on healthy eating and exercise from January, McMaster says your blood pressure reading will likely show improvements by March.

"There are risk factors we can't change – we can't get younger, we can't change our family and we can't change our race," he says.

"But if you focus on the things you can change – such as food choices, exercise, stress reduction and having better quality of sleep – over a period of time you can see a real improvement."

Start by keeping tabs on your waist circumference, because you're at greater risk of high blood pressure if your waist measures greater than 94 centimetres for men and 80 centimetres for women.

"Looking at your waist measurement is a better measure than the scales and you will see an improvement after a month [of healthy living]," McMaster says.

"Break the year into three-month blocks and re-evaluate then. You might not see any change in weight on the scales but you might see an improvement in blood pressure management."

If you get started on healthy eating and exercise from January, your blood pressure will likely show improvements by March. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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You could be way less stressed

Psychologist Melissa Podmore says that you can change your thought patterns and nervous system strain in the space of one week, so the scope for mood improvement across a year is immense.

"The trick is consistency," she tells 9Honey Coach.

"Write down upon reflection what were the biggest strains you faced over the past 12 months and what you did that helped or hurt your wellbeing."

Podmore says that a lot of people focus on introducing new things to help their mental health, but often it's more important to let go of things that don't serve you well.

"I feel it is also as important to explore individually or with a psychologist what you could release," she says.

"It might be negative relationships with relatives, an unhealthy friendship that has expired, or even the negative core beliefs that keep us unconsciously engaging in negative habits or relationships."

Changing your lifestyle means a change in stress levels as well.

Podmore says that if you want to genuinely feel less strung out by year's end then you need to take a slow and steady approach.

"Any actions we can take throughout the year that reduce these stresses on the body and the brain are paramount," she says.

"This does not mean going on a holiday in December or a yoga retreat, then smashing ourselves physically with toxins, alcohol, poor nutrition, lack of rest or exercise throughout the year.

“The body is extremely sensitive and it responds very well to consistent care and nurturing."

You could get happier

If you want to feel more content by year's end, then start practising gratitude so that optimism is yours for the taking.

"Gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day," health psychologist Dr Marny Lishman tells 9Honey Coach.

"More research is gathering on the power of gratitude. It improves energy levels, optimism, self-esteem and connection. It’s been shown to decrease stress, anxiety and depression."

Dr Lishman suggests regularly thinking about what you're grateful for this year.

"Try purposefully being grateful about what is happening now, whether by saying it out loud to the people around you, writing it in a gratitude journal or just feeling purposefully grateful inside," she suggests.

"Thankfulness can lead to improved self-care including helping people increase healthy lifestyle behaviours."

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