How often do you have to hit the gym to build muscle?

By Stuart Marsh|

Ask any self-confessed gym junkie how many exercise sessions they do a week and your eyes will likely pop out of your skull – with replies ranging from four to eight-plus, it's easy to get the impression these people have the willpower of an ancient Greek god.

The truth, in reality, is that they don't – they simply love the gym (or the results that it brings) so much that a day without training is a day wasted.

But if you don’t love the gym? What if the thought of spending hours a week heaving and clanging weights bores you to tears? What then, is the absolute minimum you need to go to the gym to build muscle?

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People working out at the gym.
Kristin Lewis says you should ideally go to the gym three to four times a week. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

According to Kristin Lewis, personal trainer and founder of Life Personal Trainers in Adelaide, that questions hinges on a whole lot of factors – so much so, it’s pretty much impossible to say you have to do "X days" a week to make gains.

"We've seen muscle gain on clients doing a single weight-training session per week – something is always better than nothing!" Lewis tells 9Honey Coach.

"Greater gains would be made with greater frequency, with three to four sessions week being ideal."

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Genetics and training style play a huge role

Of course, it's a no-brainer that "going to the gym four times a week" doesn't necessarily mean anything. With all respect to aerobics classes, you're not going to pack on any appreciable size doing Zumba four times a week compared to old-school weight lifting.

As Lewis explains, in order to gain muscle you're going to have be lifting heavily, stressing your muscles, and making sure that you're not doing too much of the dreaded "c word"… cardio.

"The intensity of each gym session is also a big factor – higher-intensity sessions where the person training works to 'failure with good technique' in each exercise set is the ideal, with reasonable rest between sets so that the session doesn't become too aerobic," says Lewis.

Taking photo in fitness/athleisure.
Genetics plays a huge role in your fitness results. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

"This needs to be balanced with the potential injury risks of lifting maximally. I'd obviously suggest this be done under the guidance of a personal trainer to reduce this risk/improve intensity."

Also at play are your genetics – just like one person can walk into the gym with enormous (natural) calves and a propensity for putting on pec size, others may find it a struggle to lift themselves out of a naturally beanpole physique.

"We know that some people are naturally more muscular and their bodies will respond more rapidly to weight training whereas other people – skinny cyclists like me – tend to be more linear in their body type so don't increase muscle mass as rapidly," says Lewis.

You're either taking advantage of – or fighting against – your age

Walk into any nursing home and you'll quickly realise that your chances of staying jacked well into your eighties are slim to none. Hell, even the greatest of all time – Arnold Schwarzenegger – has found that age makes maintaining muscle a task easier said than done.

If you're young, in your twenties or thirties, then you likely have all the tools you need to put on the most muscle in your life – your sex hormones responsible for growth (primarily testosterone) are at their peak, and you're at an age where pumping up your arms for an hour everyday doesn’t seem like a huge waste of time.

An older Caucasian woman is seen doing a squat with a kettlebell, while participating in a co-ed, multi-ethnic, fitness class. She is expressionless and focusing on her form.
Reframe your exercise goals as you get older. (Getty)

If you're much older, then Lewis says you've got to re-frame your goal, because simply avoiding going backwards is seen as a win.

"Muscle protein is constantly being replaced in our bodies. As we get older, the amount of protein breakdown tends to exceed the amount of protein gain resulting in net muscle loss as we age," says Lewis.

"Consequently, for the older population, just maintaining their weight (muscle mass) might actually be a net improvement."

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It doesn't matter how often you go if you're not eating enough

Of course, there's an extremely frail elephant in the room when it comes to gaining muscle mass – and no, it isn’t steroids – it's food. You could literally spend every waking hour in the gym, but if you're not eating enough food you'll fail to anything other than a little definition.

"As a general principle, people looking to build muscle mass would need a greater overall protein intake, regularly throughout the day," recommends Lewis.

But just how many calories, and how much protein? Is it a case of chugging back protein shakes so often that your bum resembles a combustion engine?

Healthy food.
Lewis says you should try reduce the amount of junk food in your diet. (Getty)

Not so, says advanced sports dietitian Alison Patterson – it's completely doable with food alone – and eating everything in sight is largely unnecessary.

"Many people fall into the trap of just "eating more" when trying to bulk up without considering the quality of the food that they are eating," Patterson told Coach in May last year.

"Bumping up your diet with junk calories sure won't help muscle mass gain and can lead to increases in body fat.  A better approach is to add extra quality food to your diet (for example dairy foods, grains, lean proteins) and increase your daily surplus in small steps.

"The exact amount of extra energy will differ, but aiming for an extra 500kJ per day is a good starting point.

"This could be as simple as adding in an extra tub of yoghurt to your breakfast or an extra piece of fruit to your lunch."

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