Are your kids eating too much protein?

By Susie Burrell|

For adults, protein is a bit of a buzzword — you can find protein cereal, protein bread, protein yoghurt and protein pasta, just to name a few supermarkets staples that have responded to consumer demand for protein enriched options.

Indeed, protein is an essential nutrient and plays an important role in muscle growth and recovery, cellular health, and appetite regulation.

While protein is also crucial for growth and development in children, compared to adults, children require relatively small amounts of protein each day. In many cases this means that if our children are loading up on high-protein foods designed with the dietary preferences of adults in mind, they may be far exceeding their protein requirements.

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A young woman eating fried chicken
Is your child eating too much protein? (iStock)

The concern of this is that there is a growing pool of evidence to show that excessive protein intake in childhood, early childhood in particular is associated with excessive weight gain and an increased risk of childhood obesity.

How much protein does my child need?

While adults require 0.8g of protein per kilo of body weight, or an average of 60-100g each day, the requirements for children are much lower. Children aged four to nine years need just 19g of protein each day, and those aged nine to 13 just 34g.

This means that if a preschool-aged child was given a protein-based yoghurt tube rather than a regular yoghurt, they could be consuming their entire recommended daily intake of protein via a single snack food. 

In Australia, young children have been shown to be consuming up to two to three times the recommended intake of protein, largely as a result of consuming excessive amounts of dairy, breads and cereals and relatively large portions of meat. In some cases, this may be the result of smaller children consuming extra milk serves each day, or consuming extra breads and cereals at the expense of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

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Children require relatively small amounts of protein each day. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

All about portion sizes

Ensuring children are not consuming excessive protein does not mean that you have to count macros or weigh food. Rather, it is as simple as making sure the portions of protein-rich foods like meat and dairy are the right size for small children.

Kids under the age of five need just 30-50g or a matchbox size serve of meat, chicken or fish each day. While primary school aged children just 50-80g or the size of a small chop.

When it comes to dairy, opt for child portions of yoghurt, small glasses of milk or child-sized smoothies and milkshakes. While dairy foods are the richest source of dietary calcium, small children under the age of eight require just two dairy rich foods each day, and two to three between the ages of eight and adolescence.

This means a glass of milk and a yoghurt tube is more than enough for the average child, when in reality small children may still be consuming upwards of 500ml of milk each day, which again may be displacing the intake of other foods in the diet.

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Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams
Young children have been shown to be consuming up to 2-3 times the recommended intake of protein. (Getty)

Most importantly, remember specialty protein-based breads, cereals and yoghurts are not appropriate for children.

In general, these offer close to 20g of protein per serve, an amount that is suitable for adults or active teens once they are going through their pubertal growth spurt.

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Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, co-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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