Glass half full: what you need to know when substituting almond, rice and soy milk for dairy

By Kimberly Gillan|


Not all milks are created equal. Find out which of the whites is best for your health goals

Poured on cereal or frothed in coffee, milk, in all its varieties, is hailed for its creamy taste and various health benefits. But not all milks are created equal, and each comes with its own nutritional and environmental weigh-ups.

We hit up accredited practicing dietitian Charlene Grosse, who is a spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia, to find out which of the whites is best for different health goals.

Soy milk


The original milk replacement is made from soaking then grinding soy beans, and is a popular choice for vegans, lactose intolerant people and those who hate the taste of dairy.

It's Grosse's choice dairy replacement because it has more protein than other non-dairy milks and most varieties available for purchase have added calcium to make it one of the closest nutritional replicas to cow's milk. 

"Soy is a natural source of isoflavones, which are thought to have a protective effect against [some] cancers," she says.

"It can be sweetened [with sugar] though, so check the label and note that has a higher fat content than almond or rice milk."

Rice milk


Made from brown rice, rice milk is one of the newest varieties to hit supermarket shelves, marketed as an alternative for people with lactose intolerance or if you don't like the taste of ordinary milk.

It's good for vegans given it doesn't contain animal products, but Grosse says the fact it can be poured on cereal or in a coffee is about where it's similarities with dairy end.

Sure, it has less saturated fat than dairy, but the fact that it's low in protein and calcium mean that you won't be getting the nutrients you'd get from dairy.

"It could be one replacement for dairy if it's your taste preference, but it wouldn't be good to be the only replacement," Grosse says. "It's naturally high in sugar compared to soy or dairy, too."

Almond milk


The hipster milk of choice is made from grinding almonds with water, then straining out the nut pulp. Given almonds are hailed for their wonderful healthy fats and high protein quota, it makes sense that this vegan-approved milk is rising in popularity.

But the catch, according to Grosse, is that it's not comparable to eating a handful of almonds, and some commentators say it's more like drinking a glass of water and taking a multivitamin than a glass of milk.

"A glass of almond milk is only 10 percent nuts," Grosse points out. "It's not the same in terms of healthy fats and protein." Given it usually has calcium added, Grosse says it's a better choice than rice milk, but she points out it's also often artificially sweetened.

Given almonds grow in water-intensive environments and that almond milk is fairly low in nutrients, critics say it's not worth the resources.

Camel milk


One of the newest bottled milks to hit fridges is camel's milk, which is increasing in availability in Australia and is hailed as being better for the environment than cow's milk.

Lauren Brisbane, from QCamel Dairy, can't keep up with demand since she started selling the "high-end health product" last year, which she says doesn't make you feel bloated like some people say cow's milk does.

"It has a similar molecular make-up as human breast milk," she told ninemsn COACH.

"It's suitable for people with auto-immune conditions and gastro intestinal problems. It is very low in fat, and doesn't taste a lot different from cow's milk — it just has a slight salty edge."

At about $25 a litre, it's an expensive substitute, but Brisbane says most people just have a small glass first thing in the morning.

Grosse says it's low in carbohydrates and energy, but higher in saturated fat than other dairy alternatives.

"Saturated fat is linked with higher cholesterol and higher risk of heart disease," she says.

"It's also lower in protein and calcium, so other than being lower in sugars and energy, there isn't any benefit to it."



So, what of regular old cow's milk? If it's bone health, muscle repair and healthy teeth you're after, then Grosse says you can't go past it. Research has found that drinking milk lowers your risk of osteoporosis, colectoral cancer and Type 2 diabetes, and can help to keep our blood pressure in check. (Meanwhile, we have it on good authority that malted milkshakes are the world's single-greatest tasting drink.)

But cow's milk has had a bad rap of late, being blamed  for causing extra mucous production (although scientists are adamant it doesn't), environmental damage due to cows trampling the soil, and releasing the greenhouse gas methane, but Grosse is unequivocal that it's super good for us, thanks mostly to its generous quantities of protein and calcium.

"It's good for our bones and immune system, as well as repair in the body and to aid with healthy skin growth," she says.

"Go for low fat if possible to reduce your intake of saturated fat, and if you have lactose intolerance, choose lactose-free varieties and hard yellow cheeses because they don't have lactose in them."

QCamel will be featured as part of Beerenberg’s Honesty Box photography exhibition on August 18 and 19 at The Atrium at Sydney’s The Grounds of Alexandria.

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