Can you eat the seed inside an avocado?

By Stuart Marsh|

It makes up half the weight of an avocado, and yet we throw it away. But should we eat it? (image) iStock
It makes up half the weight of an avocado, and yet we throw it away. But should we eat it?

Throw away the seed of an avocado and you're throwing away the most nutritious part of the fruit... at least according to one viral blog post.

It's true that the enormous avocado pit you so satisfyingly thud a knife into can be eaten... but that doesn't necessarily mean you should.

Avocado seed origin story

It all began with a little blog post from a holistic cooking blog called Nourish Me Whole.

Earlier this month, Nourish Me Whole published a post explaining how to eat the seed of an avocado. The post claims the seed is the "most nutrient-dense part of the fruit" which contains "70 percent of the antioxidants found in the whole avocado".

Although it went relatively viral through a short video and series of Facebook posts, the post also contains a disclaimer that its author is not a professional nutritionist or chef — which doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Despite the claims made by Nourish Me Whole and other "natural nutrition" blogs, it turns out we really don’t know the nutritional information nor the side effects of consuming the avocado seed.

RELATED: How to become an avocado whisperer and find the perfect avo, every time

What the experts think

As great as it would be to recover all of that nutrition from a part of the avocado we normally throw out, the experts caution against eating it based on a lack of concrete research.

"As someone who is usually very open-minded when it comes to learning about nutritional science, I think in this instance, until further research is performed, I would recommend sticking with enjoying the flesh of the avocado," Kara Landau, AKA the Travelling Dietitian, tells ninemsn Coach.

"According to the Californian Avocado Commission, however, it is not advised to consume the avocado seed as there are elements that are not intended for human consumption within it, and I would take their word in this instance!"

In 2013, researchers from Pennsylvania State University conducted a review of all the available literature on consuming the avocado seed.

They found that the seed of an avocado may improve hypercholesterolemia (an excess of cholesterol in the bloodstream) but the evidence proving this effect was not strong enough to provide concrete proof.

For Landau, it's this lack of nutritional proof that makes consuming the seed a practice best left to the scientists.

"For avocado seed nutrition, there actually aren't any nutrition facts from a credible source floating around the internet to even be able to look up the factual numbers and make a definitive call on this," says Landau.

So... just how do you eat it?

Even if you do ignore science and decide to eat the seed of an avocado, it isn't as simple as taking a bite out of it like you would an apple or a pear. With an extremely hard outer casing, the avocado seed is said to taste extremely bitter, which puts off the majority of people. (That, and the chance of chipping a tooth is also pretty high.)

So then the question becomes just how are you supposed to eat it?

The process is relatively simple, and first involves dehydrating the seed in the oven at a low temperature for two hours. Dehydrating is a process that's normally reserved for nuts like almonds, and works by slowly drawing the moisture out of hard-shelled seeds, making them more pliable to work with.

Once the seed's outer casing is softened, you can dice it much like you would an onion. After it's diced, it’s then blitzed up in a blender to create a grainy-textured powder.

This powder is then added to smoothies, juices and protein shakes, and is said to act like a fibre supplement — but this hasn’t been widely proven.

RELATED: How to eat avocado for every meal of the day

The bottom line

No matter what side of the avocado seed debate you fall on, it’s unlikely that you'll find anything other than hearsay to back up your arguments with your friends. Even those in favour of consuming the seed say that you should start slowly (and provide disclaimers), which doesn't exactly sing its praises.

For Landau, despite the high cost of avocados, it really is best to stick to the pulp or flesh of the classic avo, which is actually really good for you.

"The flesh of an avocado isn't just delicious, it’s also known to contain numerous nutritional benefits," says Landau.

"These include heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, the antioxidant lutein for eye health, dietary fibre, plus an array of beneficial vitamins and minerals."

RELATED: You've been neglecting avocados' most nutritious bits your whole life

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