Do you know how heart disease symptoms differ between men and women?

By Rachel Smith | Presented by Amcal|

And where does your risk factor stand?

Many of us probably associate heart disease or heart attacks with older, overweight blokes who smoke or drink a lot. But it's the nation's number one killer of men and women, and 54,000 Australians suffer heart attacks every year — one every 12 minutes. [1]

What experts do know is that men and women often experience heart disease differently, often present with totally different symptoms, and women don't take heart disease as seriously as men.

"The archetypical picture of a heart attack has been a man clutching at their chest, so women are still really unaware that they're at a significant risk of heart disease," says Dr Lynne Pressley, an interventionist cardiologist from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney.

"A common catchphrase among cardiologists is that women are 'under-diagnosed, under-treated and under-researched'. Luckily that's changing."

Men, women and heart disease: are you at risk?

Some risk factors that apply to both sexes include high blood pressure, growing older (your risk increases with aging) and for women, their risk may be equal to men after menopause.

Testing your blood pressure is one of the first things that should be checked. It can easily be done at pharmacies, such as Amcal, where there are qualified experts who are well-versed in the risk factors of heart disease.

Certain ethnic backgrounds have a higher risk of heart disease, and if you have a strong family history, that's a red flag too.

"Then there are all the classic lifestyle risk factors," says Dr Pressley, "which include smoking, high cholesterol, depression, being overweight or obese, having an unhealthy diet or being inactive."

It's sobering to think that cardiovascular disease claims the lives of 120 Australians every day. A 45-year-old man with two or more risk factors has nearly a 50 percent chance of a heart attack before turning 80. For a woman of the same age with two or more risk factors, her risk of a heart attack by age 80 is 31 percent (but just 4 percent if you have no risk factors at all). [2]

How do heart attack symptoms differ between the sexes?

Men and women also experience heart attacks differently. Dr Pressley explains that while men having a heart attack are more likely to present with typical heavy central chest pain, around 40 percent of women have more atypical symptoms.

"These symptoms might include jaw or shoulder pain, neck pain, nausea, fatigue, breathlessness, dizziness or palpitations. But nothing is ever clear cut."

Other symptoms both men and women should keep an eye out for include not being able to exercise at the level you could a week or month ago.

"If that's associated with breathlessness or arm or chest discomfort, get it checked out. And if you wake with chest, jaw or shoulder discomfort and those symptoms are associated with a feeling of unwellness, or nausea and it persists for more than five to ten minutes, call an ambulance."

Which specific heart problems should women be aware of?

Although heart attack risk increases with age, specialists are seeing more younger women with some form of heart disease.

"Certain heart events occur more commonly in women that aren't associated with the traditional, cholesterol-blocked arteries," says Dr Pressley. These include:

Stress cardiomyopathy

Also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (or 'broken heart syndrome'), this is a condition triggered by physical or emotional stress.

"It can be brought on by a bereavement or unpleasant altercation at work or in the home," says Dr Pressley. "About 90 percent of those patients are women."

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD)

The symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack or angina and most sufferers have few or no risk factors. "This occurs when the middle layer of the artery wall gets blood in it and splits, stopping blood flow down the artery, so it presents like a heart attack," explains Dr Pressley.

Heart problems in pregnancy

Having a baby is considered the 'ultimate stress test' for women, due to increased blood volume and cardiac output, and about 10-15 percent develop gestational diabetes.

"That usually goes away, but it still puts you at increased risk of diabetes and heart disease later. And if you have hypertension or pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, that significantly increases your risk of developing heart disease or strokes for the rest of your life."

For women whose risk increased during pregnancy, Dr Pressley advises regular monitoring. "If you had diabetes in a previous pregnancy, breastfeed if you can, plan your pregnancies with your specialist, and have your blood glucose tested every 2-3 years."

Pharmacies are usually able to measure blood glucose and conduct heart disease risk assessments on the spot, making the essential task of monitoring your risk for Australia's most lethal disease an easy one.

How to avoid heart disease

It's simple advice for both men and women: maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat a good diet and don't smoke, says Dr Pressley.

Your local pharmacy can not only test your blood pressure in a few seconds, but also help create a weight management program and help you manage other risk factors for heart disease.

The good news is, a vast majority of people survive a heart attack — but it all depends on how much of your heart muscle is lost before you get medical treatment. "So if you think you're having a heart attack," says Dr Pressley, "the sooner you get to hospital and get the artery opened, the better."

*For advice you can trust, Just Ask Amcal.

[1] Heart disease in Australia,

[2] Cardiovascular disease fact sheet,

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