How to maximise a free PT session

By Kimberly Gillan|

Milk that gym freebie

One of the big selling points of joining a gym is the free personal training session you get when you sign up.

If you can't afford to keep seeing a PT regularly, then you'll want to milk your freebie for as many pointers as you can to help you achieve your gym goals.

We spoke to exercise scientist Nardine Presland, from Exercise and Sports Science Australia, for her tips on how to get the most bang for your buck.

1. Be clear on your goals

You'll be lucky to get 45 minutes of the PT's time, so Presland says you want to be as prepared as possible.

"The session is usually very short and time flies," she says.

"Know what your goals are and be as specific as you can possibly be. Maybe it's, 'I want to lose 5kg' or, 'I want to tone up for my wedding' or, 'I want to build more strength'."

Ideally one of the first questions you'll be asked is what your goals are, so having this information front-and-centre of your mind will allow you answer quickly and efficiently.

"If they don't ask you what your training goals are, tell them in the first couple of minutes," Presland says.

"You might say, 'Look, I've joined the gym because I want to achieve this and this and this – how do you think I should go about that?'"

2. Learn about the trainer

Different PTs have different interest areas and qualifications, so Presland says it might be worth having a quick read of their bio on the gym wall or website so you can target your questions appropriately.

"If the personal trainer you're seeing has extra qualifications in nutrition, how might you maximise that?" she asks.

"Or maybe they have experience in body sculpting and body building competitions, or maybe your personal trainer is a specialist in postpartum women and you've just had a baby."

3. Know the facilities

You don't want to lose precious minutes to a tour of the gym, so make sure you've had a good look around before your session.

"There's not much point in spending some of that free session going over how to work the treadmill when you've already been on a treadmill – it's not maximising your time," Presland points out.

"Make sure you've seen the gym before and you've done a tour yourself. Get familiar with what your gym membership offers you – understand which equipment is in which room and what classes are available to you."

4. Ask open-ended questions

Starting questions with "How" or "What can I do?" is a good way to drill into your PT's knowledge so you get the most information possible.

"When you're talking about your goals and exercises, ask them, 'How can I go about that?'" Presland says.

"You want to walk away with some really specific, practical tips about the type of exercises you can do."

If you frame your questions well, you can really get a lot out of the time you have with the PT.

"You might say, 'Look I really want to work on toning my legs. I've done lunges and step-ups before, so what else could I do?" Presland says.

"You also want to know how many repetitions you need to do to achieve your goal, because if you're wanting to improve strength, then your repetitions are going to be a bit lower and your weight is going to be heavier [whereas] if you're wanting to do more toning, you're going to do high reps and a lower weight. Another really good question is, 'How do I determine how heavy I lift?'"

5. Make a plan

Before you arrive, it's good to have an idea of how often you'll be going to the gym so that you can utilise the PT's knowledge to help you make a good action plan.

"If you know you can only come to the gym three mornings a week, tell the personal trainer that and say, 'These are my goals, how do you think I should go about it? Should I do the same workout for those three days? Do I need to do them on consecutive days?'" Presland says.

"You might also want to ask other questions like, 'I'm arriving here at 5.30 – should I eat beforehand? What should I eat?'"

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