Foods for a Fiver: 5 nutritious cafe-style breakfasts you can make at home

By Susie Burrell|

If you're a brekkie regular at your local café, you're probably used to spending anywhere from $12 to $20 for a pastry and a coffee, or a hot meal.

For those looking to shave precious dollars off the weekly food budget, cutting your café habit is a good place to start — and better still, there are ways to make a café-style breakfast at home that trump your local in both the nutrition and budget stakes. Check out some of my favourites, all for under a fiver.

Oaty bowl

While individual packets of quick cook oats can be relatively expensive, when you consider that an entire bag of rolled oats costs $1.50 or less, a serve of oats can set you back as little as 20c.

If you then team this with protein-rich Greek yoghurt, along with fruits, frozen berries, tinned peaches or pears, or fresh apple, then a fibre- and protein-rich breakfast bowl of oats can cost as little as $2-$3 a serve. Plus it's one of the most filling breakfast options you can find.

Per serve:

Rolled Oats = 20c

Greek yoghurt = $2.50 per 170g

Fruit = apple = $1

Total = $3.70

Spinach omelette

Spinach omelette / healthy egg breakfast

Eggs aren't only a nutrient-rich food, but their rich protein content, in which two eggs offer at least 16g of protein per serve, means you'll be full until lunchtime.

Team them with a frozen vegetable such as spinach, which costs as little as $1 for an entire bag, and your filling breakfast will cost just $2. Add a couple of slices of wholemeal or wholegrain toast, and you're still coming in under $3 a serve.

Per serve:

2 eggs = $1

Spinach = $1

2 slices bread (optional) = 50-60c

Total = $2.60


To keep your costs low you do need to have a smoothie a couple of times each week, but the mix of yoghurt, milk and a piece of fruit creates a satisfying, nutrient-rich breakfast for less than $3 a serve.

Per serve:

Milk (250ml) = 60-80c

Greek yoghurt (100g) = $1

Banana = $1

Total = $2.60-$2.80

Baked beans on toast

One of the cheapest, protein-rich food options, baked beans make a filling , hearty breakfast option. And at just $2 per serves or less, they're extremely economical! Team your beans with toast and even cheese for a delicious, filling breakfast.

Per serve:

Baked Beans = $1

Toast = 60-80c

Cheese (40g) = $1

Total = $2.60-$2.80

Breakfast wrap

If you get sick of your typical breakfast options quickly, don't forget you can make a range of toasty breakfast sandwiches and still come in at less than $5 per serve.

All you need to do is seek out light wraps, and buy your deli meats at the deli per gram, as opposed to the pre-packaged varieties, to save some extra dollars.

Per serve:

Mountain Bread x 2 = $1

100g ham / turkey = $2

Cheese (40g) = $1

Tomato = 60c

Total = $4.60

Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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