These songs could help newbies get the most out of a HIIT workout

By Sam Downing|

A new study confirms what we all know to be true: music makes gruelling workouts a little less unbearable.

The investigation was led by Matthew Stork, a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Health and Exercise Sciences at the University of British Columbia, whose past research has zeroed in on high-intensity interval training, or HIIT.

HIIT is proven to get you really fit, really fast, but there's a catch: it's torturously brutal to endure.

"While HIIT is time-efficient and can elicit meaningful health benefits among adults who are insufficiently active, one major drawback is that people may find it to be unpleasant. As a result, this has the potential to discourage continued participation," said Stork in a statement.

So Stork has also examined how to make high-intensity workouts more tolerable by playing the right music.

"Music is typically used as a dissociative strategy. This means that it can draw your attention away from the body’s physiological responses to exercise such as increased heart rate or sore muscles," he explained.

While music has been shown to motivate people who are already used to regular exercise, for the new study, Stork wanted to explore whether it can also motivate people who aren't very active.

To do that, he teamed up with scientists from Brunel University in London, where researchers have also probed the psychological boost music can deliver during a workout.

First the research team assembled a panel of British adults, who listened to 16 songs and were asked to select the most motivational pop, rock and hip-hop tracks. Their respective choices for each genre were 'Let’s Go' by Calvin Harris and Ne-Yo; 'Bleed It Out' by Linkin Park; and 'Can’t Hold Us' by Macklemore, Ryan Lewis and Ray Dalton.

Those three songs were used for the next phase of the experiment, where 24 participants — an even mix of men and women, who had never done any regular exercise — were recruited for a protocol called the "one-minute workout".

It's not as easy as it sounds.

HIIT workout

The workout started with a two-minute warm-up on an exercise bike, then 20 seconds of all-out, 100 percent effort. After two more 20-second sprints (totalling 60 seconds), the workout ended with a cooldown.

Each participant did that workout three times: once with no audio playing; another time while listening to a School of Life podcast about the history of consumerism; and a third time listening to one of those three motivational songs, from the genre of their choice.

Participants reported enjoying the HIIT workout more while listening to music. Unexpectedly, their heart rates and peak power output were also higher.

“We believed that motivational music would help people enjoy the exercise more, but we were surprised about the elevated heart rate," said Stork. "That was a novel finding.”

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He speculated that the elevated heart rates is down to a phenomenon called "entrainment".

“Humans have an innate tendency to alter the frequency of their biological rhythms toward that of musical rhythms. In this case, the fast-tempo music may have increased people’s heart rate during the exercise," he explained.

"It’s incredible how powerful music can be.”

The study is published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

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