The scent of lavender could be a shield against anxiety

By Sam Downing|


Every old lady with a bowl of potpourri will tell you the scent of lavender is relaxing, and a new study on mice may confirm why.

"In folk medicine, it has long been believed that odorous compounds derived from plant extracts can relieve anxiety," said the study's co-author, Dr Hideki Kashiwadani of Japan's Kagoshima University, in a statement.

Lavender's calming powers have been observed in a number of studies. Kashiwadani and his team set out to test these effects, in search of a safer treatment for anxiety than commonly prescribed drugs — which can sometimes have side-effects more harmful than the anxiety itself.

The researchers zeroed in on a fragrant lavender compound called linalool, exploring the biological mechanism by which it relieves anxiety.

To do this, they exposed laboratory mice to a linalool vapour before the animals underwent a series of tests that measured their anxiety levels.

Kashiwadani said that "as in previous studies, we found that linalool odor has an anxiolytic effect in normal mice" — that is, it relieves anxiety. Mice engineered with no sense of smell didn't show signs of lowered anxiety, indicating the potency of the linalool scent.

That anxiolytic effect also disappeared when mice were treated with a drug that blocks brain receptors directly targeted by anti-anxiety medications, which hints linalool works on a different pathway.

"When combined, these results suggest that linalool ... must activate [these brain receptors] via olfactory neurons in the nose in order to produce its relaxing effects," said Kashiwadani.

While further research is needed to determined precisely how linalool works and in what doses, Kashiwadani said this study predicts the compound may one day have human uses, for both anxiety disorders and in clinical settings.

"In surgery for example, where pretreatment with anxiolytics can alleviate preoperative stress and thus help to place patients under general anesthesia more smoothly," he said.

"Vaporised linalool could also provide a safe alternative for patients who have difficulties with oral or suppository administration of anxiolytics, such as infants or confused elders."

The study is published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

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