Training with the Jillaroos: what it takes to play in the World Cup 9s

By Katherine Scott|

When I tell my fellow 9Honey staffers that we've been invited to train alongside the legendary Jillaroos – the NRLW's best of the best – I'm met with a mix of radio silence and "hell nos".

And well, fair.

The 16 women gearing up for the World Cup 9s are intimidatingly fit. Many of them train up to three hours a day, often while holding down full-time jobs and juggling young families, star player Corban McGregor tells 9Honey.

"It's a balancing act, but most of us try to fit in a few hours a day of training, whether it be a gym session most days, a strength and conditioning session as well… so there's a lot that goes into it," the 25-year-old fullback says.

Jillaroos training session
Jillaroos fullback Corban McGregor dominating at training. (Supplied)

Corbs, as she's known to fans, says she's seen the athleticism of women playing NRLW skyrocket over the last two years, as publicity and interest around the women's sport gains momentum.

"It's much more competitive," she says, adding: "More girls need to be on their game and train harder, and be fitter and stronger and faster, so it's definitely really great for the women's game. [With] that type of competition – it's inevitable to make us the best athletes that we can be."

The training

On a sunny morning, just days before the green and gold shirts take to the field for the World Cup 9s, we venture out to Old Saleyards Reserve in Parramatta to participate in a short but "intense" training session.

When we arrive, I'm secretly relieved we're not training in the actual stadium, as just standing alongside these athletes on a regular footy field (most of them tower over us in stature and build) is more than daunting enough.

Jillaroos training session
The Jillaroos training session begins with a mini band workout that leave our legs burning. (Supplied)

The session kicks off with a mini band workout, that sees us wrap a rubber band below our knees, before completing clam-shell-like, roving strides across the field — it's supposed to activate muscles and prevent injury, and my thighs and hamstrings are instantly on fire. But at least it's a pace I can handle.

I speak too soon. Because that's followed by 10 minutes of "dynamic warm-ups" – significantly more athletic this time – in which we spiritedly side-shuffle, lunge, hop and grapevine our way up and down the field, rapidly switching direction and keeping a vigorous pace. This soon escalates into sprints, and if my athletic inferiority didn't betray me before then, it sure does now.

Jillaroos training session
It was during the dynamic warm-ups that we came undone. (Supplied)

There are few things more demoralising than coming dead last in a race, while spectactors watch. Admittedly, no one's "racing" here, but at this stage of the warm-up I'm barely finishing each drill in time to start the next one, and it's painfully obvious to all present. If this warm-up was a track event, every one of these women would be lapping me.

I call 'time' just before they launch into another brutal round of sprints – this time it's four minutes straight, bookended with sudden and baffling full-body drops to the floor. FOUR MINUTES! I retreat from the field, a hunched sweaty mess, still gasping for breath. The warm-up is capped with a powerful pads exercise, where I witness a player damn-near bowl over a male coach in an impressive tackle. Not for me, thanks – but absolutely impressive to watch.

I will clearly not be trying out for the Jillaroos anytime soon.

Closing the gender gap

The two-day rugby league event, deemed a "festival of footy", sees 12 men's nations and four women's nations compete for international bragging rights. But this year's World Cup 9s is even more significant as it's the first year in which competitors, both male and female, will be paid the same amount of money ($2000), and stay in the same accommodations over the two-day competition.

It's a far cry from just two years ago at the 2017 World Cup, in which many players received little to no payment, while the Kangaroos earned a fat 50,000 quid for winning the tournament. It's a step in the right direction, and well worth supporting.

These women are tough

During the session I'm able to chat to player Kirra Dibb while she's sidelined from contact drills due to a recent concussion — though it's clear she'd rather be back on the field, doing what she does best. On the greens, other teammates pummel into their pad partners with astonishing force. Fragile and dainty, these girls ain't.

Jillaroos training session
Think I'll leave this one to the pros... (Supplied)

I'm also floored to learn that star player Sam Bremner nearly made the Aussie contingent, despite only giving birth to her first child in August — that's barely three months.

"She's an absolute machine… It's a credit to her – she's always been the benchmark in the Jillaroos," McGregor tells us.

"I know that she was training like crazy to earn her spot back in here and we're really proud of her."

I think the team's physio Michael Baines summed up the physical strength of the NRLs female athletes best.

"I had to hold the pads this year for [Teuila Fotu-Moala] – never again!" he laughs.

The Downer Rugby League World Cup 9s will take place on October 18-19 at Bank West Stadium, Parramatta. Tune in on Fox Sports or purchase tickets by visiting

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