Take your sleep tracker 'with a grain of salt', says expert

By Kimberly Gillan|

Wearable technology could be far from accurate

Wearable technology is still a long way from being able to accurately break down our sleep say sleep experts who suggest we unplug when we lay down rather than risk stressing over results that might not be accurate.

Earlier this year the American Academy of Sleep Medicine called for sleep trackers to be cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because there's a lack of evidence to back the claims that they can monitor sleep or improve sleep quality.

Dr Moira Junge, health psychologist and spokesperson for the Sleep Health Foundation, tells Coach the technology isn't there yet to accurately rely on sleep trackers, and she says they don't appear able to match the "gold standard" of sleep testing, which is usually done in an overnight sleep lab.

A sleep lab test uses sensors applied to your head and body to measure things like your brain waves, eye movement, heart rate, breathing, oxygen levels and arm and leg movement.

"I'm sure that something will be developed soon that will be able to be used at home and be as accurate as this gold standard but cheaper and less invasive," Dr Junge says.

"Until that time [sleep labs] offer the best testing we've got. You could use a tracker but take it with a grain of salt."

While Dr Junge says it's great that sleep trackers get people thinking – and talking – about sleep, she cautions that they can lead to unnecessary anxiety about how much shut-eye you get.

"The trackers that are available commercially, I don't feel are accurate enough to make any clinical decisions," she says.

"Potentially they can predict different sleep states, but really they are measuring heart rate and movement, not sleep."

Dr Junge says they can also cause people to try to get more sleep than their body even needs – a pursuit that often actually backfires.

"[Users] can become competitive with themselves – it might be like, 'I'm going to try and get x hours of deep sleep'," she says.

"But once we are worried about sleep, we become too conscious, aroused and anxious about it all."

Dr Junge says that if you're otherwise healthy, simply taking stock of how you feel throughout the day is all the "sleep tracking" you need to do.

"Ask yourself, 'Am I able to concentrate throughout the day and do I have enough energy to fulfil all the roles I need to do?" Dr Junge asks.

"The telltale signs of not getting enough sleep would be fogginess, taking unintentional naps, difficulty remembering things and word-finding."

If you are really tired on a given day or week, then Dr Junge says that ideally your body would automatically counteract it with some early nights or naps.

"When there is too much self-monitoring going on, sleep becomes fragile and there's too much striving to make it better," she says.

"But sleep doesn't work like that – we have to recognise it's important but at the same time pull back to allow the sleep to come to you properly."

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