MIT's living, breathing workout suit is the activewear of the future

By Sam Downing|

In the not-too-distant-future, you’ll wrap yourself in a living, breathing, weird second skin before you work out.

In the not-too-distant-future, you’ll wrap yourself in a living, breathing, weird second skin before you work out.

That’s the prediction from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), whose researchers have designed a “breathable workout suit” spotted with ventilation flaps that adjust your temperature as you exercise.

Here’s the really sci-fi bit: the “biohybrid material” is crammed with bacteria that sense humidity, opening the flaps as you work up a sweat and pulling them closed when you cool down. Yes, the activewear is alive.

MIT/Hannah Cohen

“This work is an example of harnessing the power of biology to design new materials and devices and achieve new functions,” said Xuanhe Zhao, an MIT associate professor who worked on the project, in a statement.

“We believe this new field of ‘living’ materials and devices will find important applications at the interface between engineering and biological systems.”

While the design look like something from a superhero comic and its blockbuster adaptation, it’s published in the legit journal Science Advances, which reveals it was made by printing the microbial cells onto a layer of latex.

According to Wen Wang, the paper’s lead author, wearing the suit while pedalling on a stationary bike “felt like I was wearing an air conditioner on my back.”

While the MIT team intends to work with sportswear companies to commercialise the workout suit, for now it remains a proof-of-concept. Before it hits stores, researchers need to figure out how to keep the microbes alive in the right concentrations in the right places for the suit to work.

Some of the biggest challenges might be feeding the bacteria (not to mention disposing of their waste — yes, this activewear poops). Surprisingly, washing the suit might be easier than you expect: The microbes used in the suit, a harmless bacterium called Bacillus subtilis, survived 100 wet-dry cycles without much trouble.

The team also designed a living running shoe with similar properties. They believe the technology could be used to create moisture-responsive curtains, lampshades, and bedsheets — as well as activewear that “can release a nice-smelling odour” after you’ve been to the gym, said Wan. The future!

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