Sleep tips: How much sleep do you need by age?

By Sam Downing|

Sleep needs vary by age, and it's important to understand how so you're getting the ideal amount of shut-eye.

This is how much sleep babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly need, according to a sleep doctor.


'Sleep like a baby' is a cliche for a reason: you sleep more in the months after birth than at any other time of life.

"Neonates sleep sometimes 20 hours a day," Professor Ron Grunstein, a sleep specialist from the University of Sydney, tells 9Honey.

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Newborns' sleep patterns are different from adults. (Getty)

Sleep-deprived new parents who've been up all night tending to their infant offspring might find this hard to believe. Most babies don't settle into a pattern where they consistently sleep through the night until about six months old, though Professor Grunstein says there's "huge variation" from baby to baby.

Newborns' sleep patterns are different from adults in another interesting way: they spend about half their sleep in a phase called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. As the name suggests, it's characterised by the eyes "flickering" behind the eyelids – perhaps as their brains process the brand new information streaming into them.

Toddlers and children

As we age, we generally require less sleep. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, a toddler needs between 11 and 14 hours of sleep a day, a four-year-old needs 10 to 13 hours, and by the time she gets to school, a child needs nine to 11 hours a night.

As with newborns, a child's sleep phases are markedly different from an adult's. In particular, they experience more slow-wave sleep – a phase when growth hormone is produced.

"Slow-wave sleep is sort of deep sleep. When you wake up from that stage of sleep, you're often confused, and that's where night terrors can occur and things like that," says Professor Grunstein. "That's why night terrors are more common in young children."

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As we age, we generally require less sleep. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)


Teenagers are advised to aim for eight to 10 hours of sleep per night – but everyone who remembers being/is parenting/is a teenager knows they're getting a lot less than that.

According to ABC News, sleep deprivation is an "invisible epidemic" among Aussie teens: about two-thirds of them are chronically sleep deprived. Digital technology is largely to blame for the problem, which is impacting teens' learning and mental health.

"[It's also an age] when people are getting driver's licences and things like that. And so that's why we worry about sleep deprivation," adds Professor Grunstein, who believes adolescents need more sleep than they think they do. 

"Perhaps the high rate of single vehicle accidents in that population is attributable to a failure to balance sleep need and driving at night."


The standard recommendation for adults is eight hours a night – but beware of being too literal with this number, which is just an average across the whole population and doesn't apply to everyone.

"There are some people who need 10 hours sleep," says Professor Grunstein – for those people, a mere eight hours would "cause insomnia".

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Sleepy young woman rubs her eyes while sitting in bed in the morning feeling tired after waking up. Bad restless sleep. stress, nightmares
Sleepy young woman rubs her eyes while sitting in bed in the morning feeling tired after waking up. Bad restless sleep. stress, nightmares� (iStock)

Conversely, there are people who – thanks to a trick of genetics – can get by just fine on four hours of sleep per night. However, Professor Grunstein cautions that the number of people with this condition is "very small", and that most people who boast about how little sleep they need are probably just sleep deprived.

Older adults

Beyond 65 years old, adults tend to spend less time sleeping each night. This isn't because they need less sleep – more that ageing makes it harder to sleep continuously.

"As you get older, you have illnesses – your prostate may be enlarged and you have to get up and go to the toilet, people have arthritis," says Professor Grunstein. "As your brain ages, its ability to generate sleep is less – the brain neurons that keep you awake fire a bit more in older people… It's not insomnia, but it's a kind of an inability to sustain sleep."

However, older adults are advised to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per day. "So [older] people tend to nap a little bit more," Professor Grunstein says.

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