Five ways to lock in a lifetime of healthy eating

By Kimberly Gillan|


Forget calorie counting or strict dieting and make these easy tweaks to get you on the path to health for life

They say "from little things, big things grow", and dietitians say there's no truer adage for long-term health and weight maintenance. So forget calorie counting or strict dieting and make these easy tweaks to get you on the path to health for life.

1. Fill up on vegetables

If there was one thing made clear by the release of the new and improved Healthy Eating Pyramid last week, it's that vegetables should make up the bulk of your food intake. So rather than viewing your greens as a garnish, dietitians are saying it's crucial they cover at least half of our lunch and dinner plates. "My advice would be to start trying to fill up on [vegetables] first," Lucinda Hancock, from Nutrition Australia, told ninemsn COACH. "So when you are having an evening meal, it's an opportune time to cook beautiful vegetables that are in season to keep the cost down. Make sure half the plate is full of vegetables and a smaller amount of protein and some wholegrain carbohydrates."

2. Add protein to your brekkie

Whether you eat a couple of eggs, some meat, sprinkle some nuts and seeds on your cereal or add some protein powder to your smoothie, eating protein at your first meal will help you eat less throughout the day. US researchers found that protein reduces the release of the hunger hormone ghrelin in our brains – and the affect lasts all day, with people who have high protein breakfasts less likely to snack in the evening.

3. Buy mini containers or zip lock bags

Anyone who has made a healthy eating resolve would know that the fastest way to unravel your efforts is being struck with hunger pangs that prompt you to raid the nearest pantry or convenience store for something to satiate. That's why dietitians can't stop spruiking the benefits of carrying snacks with you. Whether that's a handful of nuts in a zip lock bag or sliced vegetable sticks or fruit in a container, having healthy snacks on hand to eat first is one of the easiest ways to avoid accidental unhealthy eating. It also means you can divvy up smaller portions in advance. "If you have rice crackers, count out 10," Julie Gilbert, spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia, told ninemsn COACH. "If you're eating nuts, put them in 20g containers to stop you accidentally overeating."

4. Pour a cuppa

People who drink lots of tea seem to have lower BMIs and have a lower risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes, according to US researchers. They studied almost 6500 people and found people who drank hot tea had lower biomarkers for heart disease and inflammation, plus reduced triglycerides. While the study purely looked for links, not causes, why wouldn't you add a mid-morning cuppa to give you an easy shot at good health?

5. Keep a weekend food diary

It's amazing how many little bites and snacks can creep into your diet if you're not paying attention — especially on weekends. "You don't realise how often you go and have those snacks, when you forget about that glass of wine, those cheese and crackers or that bit of chocolate you ate," Gilbert points out. So pull out a pad and paper over the next couple of weekends to see how you're tracking and there's a good chance you'll find a few easy opportunities to swap in some healthier choices.



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