These smart yoga pants use built-in sensors to deliver perfect flow

By Team Coach|

New wearable tech could put yoga instructors out of work.

At least once every yoga class, the instructor is likely to gently lay her hands on your body and correct your technique. But some new technology could put those instructors out of work.

Fashion tech company Wearable X is soon to start shipping Nadi X, its new line of “activated apparel” that uses built-in sensors to guide its wearer through yoga poses.

The yoga pants connect to a smartphone app via Bluetooth, and gently pulse to provide real-time feedback on each posture.

“Nadi X provides the gentle touch of your yoga instructor,” Wearable X’s Australian founder Billie Whitehouse told Dezeen.

The pants come in a variety of colours and aren’t cheap, even by the usual exorbitant standards of yogawear: they retail for US$299 a pair.

Wearable X will next release a sports bra with embedded sensors that will cue its wearer when to inhale and exhale while meditating, reports the  Los Angeles Times.

Whitehouse’s other remarkable fashion projects include Fundawear, a collaboration with condom maker Durex in 2014 that resulted in smart lingerie with built-in sensors which could “transfer touch via the internet”. The garment was designed with long-distance couples in mind — enough said.

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