How to drink alcohol in front of your kids: the checklist for responsible parents

By Kimberly Gillan|

Pouring wine
What not to do

We've all seen enough of those ads about kids absorbing parents' drinking habits to know that our kids notice – and often replicate – our booze behaviour.

But can you enjoy a tipple without creating big-time binge drinkers in your offspring?

Yes, but you ought to give it some thought.

Know they're watching (and learning)

Any parent will be able to share some hilarious or gobsmacking stories of behaviours their little ones copied – and drinking is no different.

"Research has found … if parents drink to excess in front of their children, this behaviour can be observed and learned by their children," Simon Strahan, CEO of DrinkWise, tells Coach.

Professor Steve Allsop, from Curtin University's National Drug Research Institute, tells Coach that children of heavy drinkers usually go one of two ways.

"Children who grew up in a house where the parents or other adults are very heavy drinkers are more likely to be either abstainers or heavy drinkers themselves," he says.

"Whereas children who grew up in a household where there was moderate alcohol consumption are more likely to be moderate alcohol consumers themselves."

Don't make alcohol automatic

If you are a habitual drinker, be aware that your kids will be soaking that in as the wind-down of choice.

"If we have a drink when we're at the movies, when we end the working day, every time we catch up with friends … if it's in everything we do, then we normalise alcohol," Professor Allsop says.

Strahan agrees that parents should be mindful of what they link drinking with.

"Be sure not to associate having a drink as the only way to de-stress after a long day and not have it be seen as essential to socialising or celebrating occasions," he says.

Talk about your drinking

While parental role modelling is important in predicting future drinking behaviour, Professor Allsop says it's just as important to have frank discussions about drinking with kids who are old enough to understand.

"If you're hiding it from them, that's not treating alcohol with respect," he says.

"Talking to them about what your expectations are and negotiating and explaining why is really important."

"Talk to your kids about your expectations, and know who they're with and where they are and teach them how to handle risk."

Acknowledge if you went overboard

If you wake up worse-for-wear with a foggy memory of outlandish behaviour in front of your kids, Strahan suggests calling yourself out.

"If unhealthy and unsafe alcohol consumption has been observed, address it by communicating that you’re disappointed in your own poor choices and that you wish you’d been more responsible," he suggests.

Professor Allsop agrees but says you don't need to be agonisingly apologetic.

"Acknowledging that alcohol contributed to you doing things that you might not otherwise have done is probably worthwhile," he says.

"But you don't have to mea culpa – just acknowledge 'I was a bit out of order last night'."

Talk about their friends' drinking

If you're trying to promote responsible drinking or abstaining in your teenage children, Professor Allsop says coming at it from a "look after your mates" angle can be a good way of subtly communicating safety messages.

"If you talk to your children about how they can look after their mate, it's a very non-confrontational way," he says.

"If you learn to identify risk in your mates, that's a good way of learning how to look after yourself as well."

That said, Professor Allsop says it's worth highlighting to your kids that most young people overestimate how many of their friends drink.

"They also overestimate how much their friends drink and then they drink up to that expectation," he says.

"We've seen from the data that most young people don't drink heavily – we need to reinforce and support that."

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