How your diet needs to change once you turn 40

By Susie Burrell|

Any woman in her 40s knows things start to get a little tricky on the diet and exercise front.

Suddenly, things that worked from a diet perspective no longer seem to, and no matter how much exercise you do, the kilos refuse to budge.

Welcome to the years of Peri – the 10 or so years prior to menopause in which gradually declining oestrogen levels impact metabolism, fat storage, and hormone balance, leaving us vulnerable to weight gain and feeling far from our best.

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The good news is that with a lot more women in this age bracket speaking a lot more openly about Peri, we are becoming much more aware of it, and learning how best to actively take control of our nutrition and exercise to help prevent and even reverse any hormonal weight gain.

susie burrell
Susie Burrell shares how women can actively take control of nutrition and exercise once they turn 40. (Supplied)

So, if you have noticed your body changing a little, or are in full-blown Perimenopause, here are some of the key dietary changes to make now.

You need more protein

Weight gain becomes more likely in Peri, as we lose the protective effect of oestrogen and as such are more likely to deposit weight centrally. One way to minimise this gradual weight gain is to reduce carbohydrate intake slightly, while increasing your intake of protein.

Not only is a higher protein diet implicated in the 40s and 50s to help minimise muscle loss over time, but a higher protein diet with less carbohydrate overall will too support weight control by helping to regulate the fat storage hormone insulin. Aim for at least 1-1.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight or at least 80-100 grams each day, ideally spread evenly over three to four meals.

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Mixture of different high protein foods including chicken, salmon, eggs and cheese.
Increase your protein intake. (iStockphoto)

The quality of your carbs is important

The key with getting your carb balance right throughout the Peri years is to focus on portion controlled wholegrain varieties such as oats and wholegrain bread and crackers as well as vegetable and legume sources rather than the refined white breads, wraps, rice and heavy pastas we are commonly served away from home.

The amount of carbohydrate each of us requires will differ, based on activity levels, metabolism, age, ethnicity and hormone levels. As a general rule of thumb, one serve of carbohydrate or 1/2 a cup is a good starting point, while more active individuals maybe need 2-3 per meal. Then, a taper through the second half of the day with lighter meals of protein and vegetables tends to support weight control.

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Calcium is super important

Declining oestrogen levels throughout the Peri years indirectly impacts calcium metabolism in the body, as oestrogen helps to promote absorption, supporting bone health. Over time, the less oestrogen we produce, the more our bones are at risk, especially if overall calcium intake is low. With a growing number of women opting for plant-based milks, and since not all plant-based milks are fortified with calcium, there are many women in their 40s and 50s not getting anywhere near enough calcium to support bone health.

Ideally women in this age group need 1000-1300mg of calcium each day, from three to four serves of dairy. If you cannot, or prefer not to include dairy in your diet, making it a priority to include foods such as unhulled tahini or tinned salmon with bones in the diet daily is imperative to support bone health

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where to keep milk in fridge
Calcium is very important as you get older. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Zinc needs much more attention

Zinc is a nutrient we hear a lot about but it can be tricky to get enough of it as it is found in a small handful of foods. Playing a key role in new cells development and hormone production in the body, getting loads of zinc is crucial in the Peri years to support energy regulation, the health of the skin and hair and libido. Rich natural sources of zinc include oysters and mussels and prawns so plenty of reasons to enjoy more seafood. Nuts and seeds too offer good amounts of zinc and pumpkin seeds or pepitas are also especially rich natural sources.

There are foods doing more harm than good

The perimenopausal years have been described as a general period of systemic inflammation in the body, which is one of the reasons that so many lifestyle diseases present themselves in the 40s and 50s. As such, any foods that increase inflammation at a cellular level are best minimised in the diet to support overall health and well-being.

Over time, a largely anti-inflammatory diet will help to slow menopause, reduce the symptoms and help minimise aging in the cells. From a food perspective this means the less sugar, refined white flour, fast and fried food and processed vegetable oil you consume in your diet, the better. This means the less soft drink, sugar in tea or coffee, white bread or rice and fried food you include in your diet, the better.

Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, co-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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