If this Rugby 7s star can't motivate you to get fit, nothing will
By Sam Downing|
Ellia Green is a machine.
A star player in the Commonwealth Games Rugby 7s squad, the 25-year-old is also an ambassador for The Iconic Sport Challenge — a challenge geared towards helping everyday Aussies hit their fitness goals.
Speaking to Coach before the opening day of the Games, Green shares her advice for anyone who wants to get (and stay) fit.
How to find the motivation to get started
For a lot of us, "getting back into fitness" means "getting back into the gym" — that place you hate going to because it's such a boring chore. But there are so many more ways to get fit than lifting weights or going to aerobics classes.
"Choose activities that you enjoy so that exercising is fun rather than grueling," Green says, suggesting things like walking, swimming, cycling and running — all included in The Iconic Sport Challenge. She's also a fan of the "treat yo'self" mentality to get motivated.
"After a workout, make sure you reward yourself — whether it's eating your favourite food or getting some new sportswear," she says. "Rewards enforce positive behaviour and habits."
Of course, you need to make sure you're not rewarding yourself with too much food (your 200-calorie workout won't help your weight loss goals if you follow up with a 250-calorie treat), but sportswear really is motivating: a 2017 study suggested "unsporty" people enjoyed workouts more when they donned pricey activewear.
How to stay motivated
How many times have you done this: launched yourself into a fitness kick, worked out like a demon and ate nothing but wholesome fare for a few weeks, then collapsed back into your old habits when it all got too exhausting?
Green says you can avoiding that happened by setting smaller but more achievable goals from the outset.
"When you achieve them, it’ll boost your confidence and spur you on to push yourself even further," she suggests.
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And don't get discouraged and quit altogether just because you fell off the diet and exercise train for a week — remember that anything is better than nothing, and hop back on board.
"It only takes one step to create ongoing change – whether it’s walking to work or taking just 20 minutes to exercise on your lunch break," Green says. "It’s making the time to move that will help kick start your fitness journey."
The Iconic
How to find time to exercise
According to Green, a third of Australians claim a lack of time is their number one reason for not exercising.
"But you should treat exercise as an essential part of your routine by making it an enjoyable habit, not a chore," she notes. "Also, invite your friends along — you’re much more likely to feel motivated when working out in a group and less likely to snooze your alarm!"
She adds that it only takes 20 minutes of exercise to boost your mood, which was borne out by a recent study that found short bursts of exercise are just as good for your long-term health as long ones. That kills the myth that you need to spend sweaty hours in the gym to get fit.
How a Rugby 7s star stays fit and healthy
If all that doesn't motivate you, maybe you'll be spurred into action by Green's "pretty intense" workout schedule.
"As you can imagine, things get busy in the lead up to the Games," she says, explaining that she trains four days a week, carefully selecting different skills to hone with her teammates for every session.
Four days' training a week might not sound like much for an elite athlete, but those days are "jam-packed": a three-hour training session on the field in the morning "where we’ll focus on a combination of speed, conditioning and contact"; a 90-minute session in the gym after lunch to build "strength, speed and power"; and an hour-long "world class" session to finish the day.
"For this, we spend about an hour focusing on one skill to master, whether it's passing, tackling or something else," Green says.
The Iconic
That level of training is fuelled by on-point nutrition, starting with a big breakfast of two poached eggs with a slice of brown rye toast with avocado, spinach and mushrooms, followed by a smoothie made from yoghurt, coconut water, banana and more avo.
"For lunch, our team chef cooks us up a nutritious meal which will be a combination of vegetables, salad, carbohydrates and two types of meat," says Green.
Throughout the day she snacks on protein balls, fruit and nuts to top up her energy, followed by a dinner that comprises some combination of two-parts vegetables, one-part carbohydrates, and one-part meat.
"My go-to meal is grilled salmon with sweet potato and broccoli. It super quick but healthy and delicious," she says.
She concludes that outside her (epic) official training drills, the Iconic Sport Challenge is a way for her to get her mates together "and still achieve that mood-boosting endorphin hit that I crave". Hit up the Challenge site for more details.
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