Porridge power: Are you buying the right oats?

By Stuart Marsh|

If you're hell-bent on buying the healthiest oats possible, go for the steel cut. (image) iStock
Not all kinds of oats are created equally, and some could be hiding as much as 10 grams of sugar.

Stroll down the cereal aisle of any supermarket and you're likely to be confronted by the same thing: rows and rows of brightly coloured boxes, flavours and over-excited cartoon animals.

But one of the most nutritious breakfasts for you – the humble bowl of porridge – may be lying at your feet in a relatively plain packet, and carrying a price tag to match.

Oats are a veritable superfood in their own right. They're high in carbohydrates, manganese, vitamin B1 and a special kind of fibre called beta-glucan, which has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels.

But which oats are best? Like most consumer products, there's now an incredible amount of choice with everything from steel cut oats to rolled oats, microwaveable oats and even oats in individually flavoured packets.

We asked the experts to find out what are the healthiest – and unhealthiest – options when it comes to all things oats.

Steel cut oats

According to Katrina Mills, accredited practising dietitian at Body Fusion, steel cut oats are the best option because they are the least processed of all the oat varieties.

"Steel cut oats are produced when then oat "groat" is chopped into small chunks, they take approximately 20 mins to cook and have a nutty flavor," Mills tells ninemsn Coach.

Susie Burrell, one of Australia's leading dieticians and creator of Shape Me, agrees saying that steel-cut oats are an excellent choice for people looking to make the healthiest choice possible.

"Steel cut oats are less processed than other varieties, and have a lower GI which means they will make you feel fuller for longer."

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Rolled oats

Probably the most common variety in the supermarket, rolled oats are slightly more processed than steel cut oats, but still an excellent option for anyone looking to power through their day with porridge.

As opposed to steel cut oats, rolled oats are made by taking the wholegrain and then flattening it out, providing both a different texture and a product that's easier to prepare.

"Rolled oats are made by steaming and rolling the oat groat, producing a flat cereal that is much faster to cook," explains Mills.

Sometimes rolled oats are referred to as "old-fashioned oats", and despite having aslightly higher GI than steel-cut, Mills says the difference is so small it’s negligible in the long run.

"Steel cut oats are the lowest in glycemic index, but the energy, carbohydrate and fibre content of rolled and steel cut oats are virtually identical."

Instant or flavour sachet oats

The quickest to cook – and the most heavily processed – instant or "quick cook" microwaveable oats are gaining in popularity for their convenience and taste. Instant oats are made by taking rolled oats and flattening, cutting and shaping them finer to further reduce cooking times.

But both Burrell and Mills warn that they may not be the best choice nutritionally, as they carry a higher GI rating and the potential for some added nasties.

"The thing to watch out for in some instant-cook oats is the presence of added sugars," explains Burrell.

"These may be labelled as a variety of things including honey and fruit products, can contain as much as 10 grams of added sugars."

It's a view shared by Mills, who warns that the quicker the oats are to cook, the quicker they'll cause your energy levels to spike and the sooner you'll be hungry.

"Microwavable flavoured sachets are really not the best choice for breakfast," says Mills.

"They are generally high in glycemic index causing a fast rise in blood sugar levels, have added sugars and are low in fibre."

Supercharge the taste and add the protein

As great as oats are, having them plain with water doesn't quite give you the best nutrition or taste, unless you're a complete wholegrain aficionado. Thankfully, there's some easy (and tasty) ways to rectify that.

"If you're having just plain oats and water for breakfast, the meal isn’t as nutritionally balanced as it could be because it is lacking some protein," says Burrell.

"Another tip is to then add some dairy like milk (or soy milk if you don’t like dairy) or Greek yoghurt to boost the protein content."

While you're better off opting for rolled or steel-cut oats to avoid added sugars, Burrell says that doesn’t mean foregoing flavour in the process.

"A great tip to help keep your oats low in sugar but still have that sweet taste is to add cinnamon or vanilla as these options have no sugar. If you love fruit with your oats, always choose fresh over "fruit flavoured" sachets," says Burrell.

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