How women who hate exercise can learn to love it

By Sam Downing|

If you dread the thought of scheduling a workout, new research suggests how you can learn to actually enjoy exercise.

If you dread the thought of scheduling a workout when all you want to do is go home, slip into your PJs and finish binge-watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, you and I are the same person new research suggests how you can learn to actually enjoy exercise.

For a study published in the journal BMC Public Health, investigators from the University of Michigan polled 40 women on their attitudes to exercise, categorising them as either “high-active” if they notched up 120 minutes or more of physical activity a week, or “low-active” if it was less than that.

The results shed a light on some of the factors preventing low-active women from exercising more regularly.

For starters, they shared a belief that exercise only counts if it’s intense and vigorous — understandably not something they’re keen to do in their downtime.

The low-active women also reported pressure to lose weight and exercise more (and that pressure wasn’t something they wanted weighing on them when they were trying to chill), while they also felt like it was impossible for their expectations and goals about exercise to square with day-to-day reality.

"The direct conflict between what these low-active women believe they should be doing when they exercise, and their desire to decompress and renew themselves during leisure time, demotivates them," said the study’s co-author, motivation scientist Dr Michelle Segar, in a statement.

"Their beliefs about what exercise should consist of and their past negative experiences about what it feels like actually prevents them from successfully adopting and sustaining physically active lives."

Put simply, many of the low-active women had started exercise programs to lose weight — but when that didn’t happen, they felt like failures and stopped exercising, which discouraged them from trying to exercise again in future.

How to learn to love exercise

The study offered some insights into how low-active women can start to learn to love exercise: by rewriting their impression of what exercise is.

Segar said the “traditional recommendation” for exercise is that you have to do it for at least 30 minutes at high-intensity if you want to lose weight and get fitter — a message that works great for some people, but can daunt others who "dread" workouts.

"This traditional approach to exercising might actually harm exercise motivation, Segar said. "Our study shows that this exercise message conflicts with and undermines the very experiences and goals most women have for themselves."

She added that recent investigations have found that lower-intensity exercise can be as effective for weight loss as high-intensity exercise (for example, this University of Bath study published in January), but most people either don’t know about this research or don’t believe it.

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Not only can low-active women benefit from reprogramming themselves to think of exercise as any movement that feels good and recharges their batteries (rather than just gruelling sweat sessions), they could also follow how the high-active women think about physical activity.

In contrast to the low-active women in the study, the high-active women had a more flexible take on exercise: they didn’t see it as “the end of the world” if life got in the way of their exercise schedule, and they considered exercising more of a “middle priority”, which eased the pressure they put on themselves.

The Univeristy of Michigan study matters because the number of overweight and obese people is climbing (both in the United States and in Australia) while the amount of physical activity we do is dwindling — and experts are attempting to work out how to reverse both trends.

"We need to re-educate women they can move in ways that will renew instead of exhaust them, and more effectively get the message across that any movement is better than nothing,” Seger concluded.

“To increase motivation to be physically active, we need to help women to want to exercise instead of feeling like they should do it."

RELATED: Hate traditional exercise? Try high-intensity training — a new study predicts you’ll love it

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