Exercising when it's hot: What you need to know to beat the heat

By Stuart Marsh|

It may have taken a while but the temperatures are finally warming up as we head into the summer months.

Common sense would tell you that now is not the ideal time to make an attempt on running your first marathon or crushing a HIIT session in the park, but for some exercise is part of their daily lifestyle.

If you're the type of person who insists on training in the middle of a heatwave, then here's a few tips you can follow to ensure you make it home safely without collapsing with activewear-induced heatstroke.

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Here are some tips to safely exercise when it's hot. (Getty)

Tailor your water intake to your sweat

Obviously, the main ingredient in surviving a heatwave workout is to make sure you drink a lot of water. But how much constitutes "a lot"?

According to advanced sports dietitian Ali Patterson, it really all depends on the activity you're doing, and how much you're sweating.

"The amount of fluid needed by an individual should reflect the amount sweat lost," Patterson tells 9Honey Coach.

"As sweat rates vary between individuals, knowing your unique sweat rate and how much fluid you should be drinking is important."

This means you potentially need litres of water both before and after a workout. To give an extreme example, AFL players have been known to lose as much as six kilos of weight over a game, all in sweat that's left their body.

To combat this, the team dietitian will rehydrate players depending on how much fluid – measured as overall weight on the scales – was lost over the course of each quarter.

That means if you weigh yourself before a run and you come home two kilos lighter, you should aim to replenish those stores with two litres of water (over a couple of hours – no need to chug down the bottle all at once).

The amount of fluid needed by an individual should reflect the amount sweat lost.

Exercise early or late

It's a no-brainer: If you plan on exercising during any of the hottest days of the year, try to avoid the time of day where the sun is at its peak between 11am and 3pm.

Not only will you avoid feeling like you're running across a barbeque hotplate, you'll also give your skin a break by dodging the harshest UV rays of the day.

"I try and encourage people to get their workout out of the way before the day heats up and the air temperature has increased," Pia Therese, body coach from Melbourne Fitness and Wellbeing, told 9Honey Coach previously.

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Use days like this for low impact workouts

The program you pulled off the internet calls for a high-intensity sprint session down at the beach, but your heart tells you that it's waaay too hot to be eating a sand sandwich on a +30-degree day.

In these instances, it's best to take the time to swap out your workout for something gentle, like yoga at home or a weights session in an air-conditioned gym. Your progress won’t be effected over the long term, and taking a rest day may actually speed up your results.

"Do a lower impact workout and focus on strength-based workouts, which won't increase your body temperature as much as cardio," says Therese.

"Your heart rate doesn't increase as much and you can have a break between reps."

Yoga mat
A low-impact workout might be the best option. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Top up your electrolytes

On hot days, many people recommend turning to very fancy sports drinks filled with "electrolytes" to help you recover. But what actually is an electrolyte, and do you really need them?

"The main electrolyte lost in sweat is sodium (or salt)," explains Patterson.

"During long sessions, especially in hot weather when sweat losses can be high, it is important to replace electrolytes as well as water during exercise."

Of course, the easiest (and tastiest) way to do this is to gulp down a neon-coloured sports drink. But if you're against the idea of paying $5+ for the pleasure of drinking sugary water, scientists from the University of Bath found that mixing a tablespoon of plain old table sugar into your tap water can be equally as effective.

To find out whether you desperately need electrolytes during hot-weather training sessions, Patterson recommends taking a look at your daggiest workout shirt – if there's white rings of salt around the collar, you're a prime candidate.

"People who are very salty sweaters (for example, have a white salt crust on their forehead or clothes during exercise) may also benefit from having extra electrolytes during hot training sessions," says Patterson.

RELATED: Five hot weather workout tweaks to dodge heat stroke

Put ice down your bra

For the overwhelming majority of people, the best advice is simply to wait until a cooler part of the day to get in your daily dose of exercise.

But if you're an athlete who must compete in the heat, there's a couple of tricks you can use to cool down your internal body temperature.

"Keeping your core body temperature as cool as possible is important during hot training sessions," recommends Patterson.

"As well as keeping hydrated, using ice vests or putting ice cubes under your hat or down your sports bra can help to keep your body cool.

"Drinking very cold fluids, or semi-frozen fluids (like slushies) can also help to cool your body from the inside."

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