You won't believe the sugar content in these 12 foods

By Team Coach|

Everyday items with hidden sugar

Sodas. Fruit juices. Candy bars. Cookies. You already know your favourite contraband snack foods have a high sugar content, and you constantly see headlines about even more places sugar is hiding where you least expect it.

Fortunately, Australia's refined sugar consumption has been steadily declining since 1970 (after peaking in 1951), as reported by the Sugar Research Advisory Service.

A 2017 study led by the University of Sydney also found that Australians are consuming less added sugars and drinking less sugar-sweetened beverages than they were two decades ago. That's good news for Australians looking to get better control over their health.

But before you decide you're in the clear with your healthy food choices, you might want to take a closer look at your cupboards. Sugar is added to many foods you would never suspect, including your healthy favourites.

So before you reach for your next snack or meal, see if it makes the list of surprising foods packed with sugar.

1. Chicken dinners

After a late night at the office, you come home, open the freezer, and grab that chicken dinner you've been keeping on hand, thinking it will be a quick and relatively healthy meal.

In reality, you could be adding as much as 23g of sugar to your diet just by consuming your favourite healthy chicken dinner.

Whether food manufacturers do this to make the dinners more palatable or perhaps more addicting, it's ultimately sneaking in extra sugar and calories that you just don't need.

2. Dried fruit

We all know fruit is nature's ultimate dessert food. But dried fruit often has unexpected amounts of sugar that take innocent snackers by surprise.

For example, dried apricots can contain as much as 53g of sugar per cup. Because the water has been removed from dried fruit, all the sugar is concentrated in a much smaller package, and some types also have added sugar.

If you must have dried fruit instead of fresh, look for all-natural dried fruit with no added sugar—or dehydrate your own.

3. Soup

A hot cup of soup to get you through the afternoon slump isn't just hearty comfort food; it's also full of sugar. From vegetarian options to hearty meat varieties, soup contains added sugar to give it a boost of flavour.

Condensed Cream of Mushroom soup, for example, contains 4g of sugar in just one third of a can.

If you make your own soup, make sure any store-bought broth you use is also sugar-free—otherwise, you’ll just be adding sugar to your DIY option.

4. Nut butters

There's nothing like peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew butter spread on a delicious piece of warm bread. But both the bread and the nut spread aren't exactly sugar-free, especially if you enjoy generous helpings.

Regular crunchy or smooth peanut butter packs 1.7g of sugar per tablespoon. Look for organic or all-natural nut butters that skip the sugar—or at least dramatically reduce it.

5. Salad

Kicking off a meal with a big healthy salad sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, it may be loaded down with added sugar—especially at a restaurant.

From salad dressing to breaded meats and croutons, that 'healthy' salad is probably bursting with sugar.

A salad with chicken strips can contain nearly 7g of sugar—and that's before you add any dressing. A better choice is to make your own healthy salad full of fresh greens, vegies and clean protein, and hold the dressing.

6. Almond milk

Switching from milk to almond milk may seem like a healthy choice, but you may simply be adding extra sugar into your diet.

Food manufacturers add sugar to almond milk to give it a boost of flavour. Expect to consume as much as 6g of added sugar per serving of almond milk.

Look for sugar-free or reduced-sugar options instead.

7. Yoghurt

Even the healthiest of breakfast choices have added sugar, like yoghurt.

Plain Greek yoghurt is usually a safe choice, but any type of flavoured yoghurt is likely packed with sugar.

Even low-fat vanilla yoghurt can have almost 4g of sugar per ounce. Opt for plain yoghurt and add your own cut-up fruit instead.

8. Whole grain cereal

Whole grain cereal sounds like a healthy choice, and it's certainly better than sugary kids' cereal with marshmallows masquerading as breakfast food.

However, whole grain cereal usually has plenty of added sugar, too.

5 Whole Grain Flakes cereal has a sugar content of nearly 5g per cup. Look for sugar-free cereal options and jazz up the flavor with fresh strawberries or bananas.

9. Pasta sauce

Although no one is sprinkling their pasta dinner with sugar (we hope), that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Even your favourite pasta sauce has sugar in it—as much as 2.5g per ounce.

Unfortunately, even making your own pasta sauce from scratch isn't necessarily a guarantee that extra sugar won't sneak in.

Tomato paste and other tomato-based ingredients are usually laced with sugar.

10. Granola

It seems no cereal is safe from sugar these days. Your favourite granola also makes the list of foods with lots of added sugar.

In fact, you may find over 5g worth of sugar hidden in each serving of granola.

Make sure to check the ingredients, avoid types with added sugar, and sprinkle with fresh fruit instead.

11. Protein bars

Protein is a snack-time staple of healthy eaters. Yet protein-packed snacks are usually some of the worst sugar offenders in the processed food world.

Depending on the protein bar, you may find upwards of 19g of sugar packed inside, in the form of ingredients like syrups and chocolate chips.

Some protein bars on the market might as well be candy bars, with all the sugar they contain.

12. Smoothies

A healthy smoothie might seem like a good way to keep your energy high in the afternoon, but more likely, your favourite smoothie is full of added sugar.

A banana yoghurt smoothie has almost 55 grams of sugar. Although the smoothie itself may not have added sugar, the flavoured yoghurts that give it a sweet kick likely do. Ask for plain yoghurt and skip the honey, syrups and sugar-laden fruit juices to keep your smoothie as low in sugar as possible.

The bad news is that added sugar seems to be in just about everything these days. The good news is that you can avoid it by opting for whole foods like plain yoghurt, nuts, and fresh fruits and vegies.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat some of your favourite foods in moderation, too. Just be diligent about reading labels for sugar content, and keep an eye out for processed sugars, syrups, sweeteners, and foods with sweetened fruit juices.

At the end of the day, make sure your food is nutrient-packed and not just dessert disguised as health food.

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