Music vs podcasts: which is better to run to?

By Erin Van Der Meer|

Need help with endurance during running? Maybe you need the right running music. Find out how to create the ideal running music playlist.

For most runners, the right running music playlist is as essential as wearing the right shoes.

It always has been for me, until recently when I tried listening to a podcast on my evening lap around the park – and I bloody well loved it.

I thought I needed a pounding beat and motivational lyrics (“His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there’s vomit on his sweater already…”) to push through the breathlessness and thigh-burn, but I found that I was concentrating on the podcast, and barely noticed the discomfort that comes with a sweat session.

Now I listen to a podcast for 80 percent of my run, and only switch to a powerful track when I hit the hill at the end.

Not only does it make the run go by faster, but knowing I’m exercising and learning at the same time makes me feel like I’m generally kicking ass at life.

According to sports psychologist Kris Dun from the Australian Institute of Sport, distractions such as listening to podcasts in place of - or combined with - running music, can be a useful technique when training.

“This concept – of focusing on something else – is known as dissociation,” Dun said.

“Dissociation can be effective for steady state exercise such as running, as it tends to reduce perceptions of effort and fatigue, since the runner’s attention is on the podcast they’ll be less aware of the pain and fatigue in their bodies.”

However, Dun notes that the distraction strategy loses potency with high intensity exercise, such a HIIT (high intensity interval training).

Running music doesn’t require as much concentration as a podcast, but there’s no doubt that the best running music songs – the ones proven to increase performance – are those with the right BPM for your workout pace.

A 2012 review of the research by Brunel University in London described listening to music for running as "a type of legal performance-enhancing drug."

“There is good evidence that appropriate music – something upbeat, rhythmic and with inspiring lyrics –  can improve exercise performance by boosting mood, and reducing perceptions of effort and fatigue,” Dun said.

“There may also be a benefit in movement rhythms when you move in time to music.”

The best way to listen to music while running is by experimenting with both running music playlists and podcasts, depending on the pace and length of your workout.

“Runners might find that they prefer music for some runs and podcasts for others – factors to consider might be length, intensity, and pace of the run.

“Try both and notice how they influence your ability to go faster or push through pain.

“Knowing what you need and when is a useful piece of learning for anyone.”

Podcast running recommendations

Fresh Air

If you’re looking for an alternative to running music, try Fresh Air. Host Terry Gross’s in-depth interviews are so fascinating you won’t want the episode – or your run –  to be over. Go back through the archives and listen to her chats with Jay Z, Aziz Ansari and humourist David Sedaris, among others.

The Tim Ferriss Show

The author of The 4-Hour Work Week drills the world’s most successful innovators and entrepreneurs for their life hacks on his weekly show. Add this podcast to your running music playlist if you’re in need of motivation.

Here’s The Thing With Alec Baldwin

The veteran actor has a knack for interviewing, and when he has mega-names like Sarah Jessica Parker, Julianne Moore, Quest Love, Judd Apatow and Fred Armisen on his show, it feels like you’re eavesdropping on two celebrities you happened to stumble upon in a coffee shop.  While not running music, it’s a fun show if you enjoy Hollywood gossip.

Note To Self

This tech and trend show grapples with dilemmas our devices have created in modern life. Recent episodes include ‘Your mailman is a drug dealer. He just doesn’t know it yet’ and ‘Should we post photos of our kids online?

Science Vs

This Aussie-hosted podcast challenges assumptions and looks at the cold, hard facts to get to the truth of diverse topics. Past episodes have covered meditation, nuclear power, antioxidants, love, climate change and hypnosis.

And of course there's also 9Mums' new podcast SuperMums, hosted by 9Honey's (very funny mothers) Kelly Baker and Melinda Ayre. Click here to start listening.

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