Good news for milk lovers: full fat is fine (so quit drinking that awful skim stuff)

By Kimberly Gillan|

While skim milk has long been touted as a healthier alternative to full fat milk, the experts' advice is now changing.

For years, health authorities have insisted adults drink reduced fat or skim milk to lower our saturated fat intake and keep our hearts healthy and our waistlines slim.

But with studies showing that high fat dairy consumers are actually less likely to be obese or get heart disease, the dietitian message is now much more open: drink any kind of dairy you like.

"Hallelujah!" we hear the creamy lovers rejoice, while those who prefer the lighter taste of reduced fat or skim milk can relax knowing their preference won't be scorned by full fat-promoting people.

"The evidence shows that cow's milk provides essential vitamins and minerals and protein, and consuming it reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, and that applies to all types of cow's milk – skim, low fat or regular fat," Blake Robinson, Dairy Australia dietitian, told Coach.

"Pick the one that you enjoy the taste of because in terms of health benefits, there's no difference between the skim and full fat."

RELATED: Milk on trial

The fat difference between the different varieties is actually fairly negligible. Regular or full fat milk has about 3.5 percent fat compared to reduced fat, which has 1.5 to 2 percent and skim which has close to zero fat.

"Another way of looking at full fat milk is to think of it as 97 percent fat free," Robinson points out.

If you're having a lot of dairy each day or are carefully counting kilojoules, you may opt for skim milk because you'll only have about 368 kilojoules per 250ml serve compared to 733 in a serve of full-fat milk.

"It depends on the volume you are drinking – if you are just having a splash here and there in your tea or coffee, then regular milk is not a problem," Margaret Hays, spokesperson for the Dietitian's Association of Australia, told Coach.

"There is also satiety from having a certain amount of fat – it's more filling and you feel like you have eaten something."

Robinson says that there is a common misconception in the community that skim milk has sugar added to it.

"In packaged foods where the manufacturers have taken fat out, they add extra sugar to make sure it has the same mouth feel and still tastes good," he says.

"But with skim milk, they literally skim the milk off the top and don't add any extra sugar. The nutrition panel does show slightly more sugar, which is because it's got more water, protein and carbohydrates because they have taken the fat out, but the difference is really negligible."

RELATED: What you need to know when substituting almond, rice and soy milk for dairy

While saturated fat is linked with heart disease, Robinson says that when it's consumed in dairy it doesn't seem to be dangerous.

"Having more saturated fat from things like junk food does actually increase your risk [of heart disease and obesity]," he says.

"Even though they both have saturated fat, there is something unique and special about the way dairy fat acts when we digest it."

Ultimately, Robinson says there isn't enough evidence to show that full fat or skim is better for you.

"We're really at a place where research shows that they both have the same sort of effects on your health," he says.

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