Woman drinking milk

No, skim milk doesn't have more sugar added to it than the full-fat kind

By Sam Downing|

Flavoured milk has an astonishing amount of sugar added to it: a 600ml carton of chocolate milk holds 60g sugar (equal to 15 teaspoons of sugar), almost as much as a same-sized bottle of Coca-Cola.

So don't drink a lot of flavoured milk (or full-sugar soft drinks, either).

But while flavoured milks are about 30 percent sugar, regular whole milk has a lot less: it's just under 5 percent sugar.

Yet you might have heard that more sugar is added to reduced-fat milks, to retain their flavour when the fat is removed. 

This is a myth.

It probably arose because there are indeed some low-fat foods that are pumped full of sugar to ensure they still taste good — especially flavoured yoghurt.

But that's not true of reduced-fat milk, which comes into two kinds: light milk, which has most of its fat removed during production; and skim milk, which has practically all its fat removed.

For starters, reduced-fat milk has only fractionally more sugar than full-fat milk. Per 100ml, light milk has 4.8g sugar, while skim milk has 5g sugar — compared to the 4.7g sugar in full-fat milk.

So yes, reduced-fat milks do have a bit more sugar — but the difference is so slight it's meaningless.

And the reason reduced-fat milks are (very slightly) higher in sugar isn't because extra sugar is added to them. It's just a matter of basic mathematics: when you remove one thing, the proportion of everything left naturally rises.

"When they take the fat out of the milk, what you're left with is a more concentrated source of everything else," explains advanced accredited practising dietitian Melanie McGrice.

"So that means that you've got more protein, more water, more nutrients such as calcium," she tells Coach. "And you also have more lactose, which is the natural milk sugar."

(FYI: this is also why reduced-fat, unflavoured yoghurts — such as natural and Greek — appear to also have a bit more sugar in them.)

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Like the sugar that's naturally present in fruit, the low amount of sugar that's naturally present in milk is nothing to sweat over.

The sugar you should watch out for is added sugar — which, as the name suggests, is the kind added to a food by its manufacturer. (For example: all that extra sugar added to flavoured milks and yoghurts.)

McGrice acknowledges that the distinction between natural sugar (good!) and added sugar (less good!) can be hard to grasp — and it's one that dietitians and other nutrition experts spend a lot of time trying to explain.

In the case of milk, it's pretty easy to find out if extra sugar has been added.

"If you look on the ingredients list of a container of milk, most of the time you will see that there are no other ingredients — it will say 'Ingredients: Milk'," McGrice says. "Sometimes they might add some vitamin D, but usually it's just milk."

Flavoured milk, on the other hand, usually lists sugar as its second ingredient — revealing extra sugar has been added to it, on top of the natural milk sugars.

It's also worth pointing out that full-fat milk doesn't really have that much more fat in it than the reduced-fat milks.

"Even whole milk is only 4 percent fat. When we compare that to something like a doughnut, which is 30 percent fat, it's really not high in fat at all," McGrice says. "The definition of 'low fat' is anything under 3 percent fat, so [whole milk] just misses the cut-off."

READ NEXT: Good news for milk lovers: full fat is fine (so quit drinking that awful skim stuff)

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