Shocking number of Aussies don't have their natural teeth: 'Permanent damage already done'

By Ella Rayment-Ward|

If you've ever brushed your teeth and found your gums a bit sore or even bleeding, one of the immediate 'oh no' thoughts is you might have gingivitis.

In Australia, three in every 10 adults are recorded to have some degree of gum disease, according to Health Direct

Gum disease increases inflammation in your body and can make you more susceptible to conditions like diabetes and bowel disease. 

But instead of waiting for treatment for your mild gum irritation to turn into a more serious gum infection (called periodontitis), cosmetic dentist Dr Sam Koh says "prevention is always better".

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Cosmetic dentist Dr Sam Koh has shared his tips for protecting your gums. (Supplied)

"Most people I feel act in retrospect, always looking in hindsight. However in most circumstances is generally best to prevent disease," Koh tells 9Honey Coach.

"For example, people don't look after their gums until they see them receding or bleeding, where permanent damage may already be done." 

One in 25 Australians over the age of 15 don't have their natural teeth.

Koh says 70 per cent of his patients have gum disease in some form, with one in 25 Australians over the age of 15 not having their natural teeth, according to Australian Institute of Health & Welfare.

The dentist explains gum disease is caused by the buildup or plaque that can calcify and cause dental decays. 

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"Oral disease is usually caused by an imbalance in good and bad bacteria, and the balance between bacteria and the immune system," he adds.

But there are little things we can do in our everyday life to ultimately prevent the build up of bacteria that can lead to gum disease.

Drinking water is important to wash away food and plaque in your mouth. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Here are five ways Koh says you can maintain good oral health and protect your gums.

1. Brush and floss twice daily with a soft toothbrush

Brushing your teeth is important to remove plaque and bacteria that builds up outside and inside your teeth. 

"This physically removes the plaque on your teeth to reduce the bacteria available that can cause gum disease and tooth decay," Koh explains. 

He recommends brushing twice a day, with the typically recommended times being once during the morning and later in the evening. 

However, it is important to not brush too vigorously. Being overly rough when brushing can "physically scrub your gums away from your teeth and cause gum recession or tooth wear."

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Brushing too hard can cause gum recession. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Having a soft toothbrush can help ensure you are gentle on your teeth and not being too hard on your gums. 

Brushing is an essential part of oral hygiene, but Koh reminds Aussies flossing is just as important for your health.

"Floss gets in between the teeth which is almost 50 per cent of your tooth surfaces and where disease can easily occur," he explains. 

The dentist recommends flossing at least once a day to ensure you are removing as much bad bacteria from your teeth as regularly as possible. 

2. Mouthwash

Mouthwash can reduce bacteria build up in your mouth. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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Apart from refreshing your breath, Koh says mouthwashes "contain antibacterials to help limit the number of bacteria in your mouth."

However, he explains that using mouthwash for oral health will "only benefit if you're already brushing and flossing well."

"Think of when you wash your car. You can't just throw buckets of soapy water over your dirty car without scrubbing it first," Koh uses as an example. 

"Same as in your mouth, you need to scrub and remove the plaque and bacteria that is firmly attached to your teeth and won't just simply rinse off."

3. Visit your dentist every 6 months for a check up and clean

Koh recommends visiting the dentist every six months for a check up and clean. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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Even if it's not high on your priority list, it's important to regularly visit a dentist to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. 

Koh says ideally you should visit every six months for a standard check up and clean.

"The professional clean will help remove plaque and tartar, which you normally may not be able to remove yourself," he explains. 

"The clean will help maintain healthy gum levels, whilst checking and monitoring the health or your teeth and gums and picking up disease early before things get more serious," Koh says. 

Visiting a dentist for a regular six-month checkup will detect even the mildest gingivitis before it progresses and leads to periodontitis.

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4. Use an oral probiotic

On top of keeping up general good oral hygiene from brushing and flossing, Koh recommends taking an oral probiotic.

"A probiotic essentially contains lots of good and beneficial bacteria," the dentist says.

These can improve oral and gut health, especially one that is a chewable product, as the probiotics can then be released intraorally and help your oral microbiome."

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Oral probiotics can decrease gum inflammation. (Getty)

Oral probiotics can just be bought off the shelf and taken daily to help with inflammation caused by gum disease.

"The healthy bacteria can then help improve the balance between the good and bad bacteria (some of which cause decay and gum disease)," Koh says.

Koh says the probiotic strains found in a chewable oral probiotic that has been proven to decrease plague and dental decay are Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BIFOLAC 12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus BIFOLAC GG.

"People don't look after their gums until they see them receding or bleeding, where permanent damage may already be done." (Supplied)

5. Drink lots of water

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Finally, Koh's fifth tip is to drink lots of water throughout the day.

According to Health Direct, the recommended daily intake of water for men is 10 cups (2.6 litres) and for women eight cups (2 litres).

While consuming enough water per day is important for your general bodily health, Koh explains that dehydration can contribute to bacteria build up.

"If you are dehydrated, your mouth will form less saliva, which is really important as it helps wash away food and plaque, and also contains antibacterials to help prevent dental decay and gum disease," he says.

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