The five tests doctors want you to keep up with in 2023

By Nadia Scurria|

It's the new year and that means many have likely set themselves some resolutions surrounding their health.

But while many may have struggled with keeping to some of their New Year's resolutions in the past, we can guarantee these are quite simple. All you need to do is have a few tests done. 

Medical experts from Pathology Awareness Australia are encouraging all Aussies to stay up to date with these pathology tests in 2023. Not only is it better for you health, but they could just save your life.

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The new year's resolution testing that's easy to keep. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Pathology tests can pick up on health concerns early when they are at their most treatable. In fact, the tests can assist with more than 70 per cent of all diagnoses and almost all cancer diagnoses.

These tests can also help monitor and manage these conditions. 

And they can also be used to help classify the future risk of disease, which is quite important. 

So, here are the five tests pathology experts want Aussies to keep on top of in 2023:

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1. Cervical Screening Test (CST)  

The Cervical Screening Test is a test used for the HPV virus which is known to cause most cervical cancers. 

In July of 2022, the self-sample collection became available to those with a cervix aged 25-74 meaning those being tested no longer needed their GP to complete the test. 

You can test yourself at home and then drop off the sample at a clinic. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

"Australians need to be aware that prevention of cervical cancer requires regular screening as well as HPV vaccination for those who are eligible. Young people who have been vaccinated are not protected against every type of HPV so still need to be tested," According to APP Professor Marion Saville AM said.

It is recommended for those aged between 25-74 to have a cervical screening test every five years. 

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2. Liver Function test (LFT)

The Liver Function Test is made up of multiple blood tests that determine how well a person's liver function is. 

This particular test can detect substances in our blood such as proteins and enzymes which are produced and released by our liver cells when they're damaged.

APP recommends Aussies talk with their GP's to understand which liver function tests to do based on symptoms as well as personal and family health history. 

Behaviours such as excess and increased alcohol consumption as well as reduced exercise can have a negative impact on liver health, so it's important to get checked. 

3. HbA1c (Type 2 Diabetes)

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This test is the one that can diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes. According to experts, it's recommended for those aged 45 years and older to talk to their doctors regarding when and how often they should be tested for type 2 diabetes. 

The test measures the amount of blood sugar (glucose) attached to your haemoglobin which is the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. 

Type 2 diabetes symptoms often take several years to develop. Some people don't notice any symptoms at all. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

As it can take up to seven years for symptoms of diabetes to show in some people, during this time diabetes can cause damage to the kidneys, heart, and eyes, so it's very important to get onto it quickly. 

4. Bowel Cancer Screening  

Experts recommend that Australians aged 50 and up take part in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) every two years. The great thing is that this screening test can be done at home and takes just 5 minutes. 

Dr Nick Musgrave, Anatomical Pathologist and Ambassador for Pathology Awareness Australia is urging Aussies to be aware of screening importance. 

He said, "For some, bowel cancer will have minimal symptoms until late in the disease, making an early diagnosis without a screening test difficult."

More than 90 per cent of bowel cancer cases are successfully treated when caught early and from this, PPA encourages all Australians to keep up to date with this test. 

Reducing alcohol intake as well as being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the chance of developing bowel cancer. (Canva)

5. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

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This particular test is used to screen for prostate cancer by measuring the level of prostate-specific antigens in the blood. 

This testing can assist in prostate cancer detection and diagnosis at an early stage. 

According to PPA prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia so early detection is vital.

In Australia, it is recommended for men to have a PSA blood test every 2 years from the age of 50 to the age of 69. For those with a higher-than-average risk, such as those with a family history, regular testing can start earlier. 

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