World Milk Day: If you haven't got milk in your diet, this is why you should get milk

By Sam Downing|

If you don't drink milk, it's not just calcium you're missing out on.

Sugar, wheat, dairy and more — these days it’s hard to find a food group that doesn’t have a loud mob of supporters crying its health benefits, and an equally loud mob of haters declaring it’s toxic.

But when it comes to dairy, most experts agree that, unless you have an intolerance to lactose, products including milk, yoghurt and cheese are great additions to your diet.

“Milk is delicious, versatile and packed full of essential nutrients,” nutritionist Katrina Strazdins, nutrition leader at Lion Dairy and Drinks, tells Coach on World Milk Day.

Ask the average person what those essential nutrients are and they’ll no doubt answer calcium. And while it’s true milk is a great source of that bone-building element, Strazdins explains it also contains several other must-haves:

  • Protein, for muscle growth, development and repair
  • Phosphorous, which works in tandem with calcium for strong bones and teeth
  • Iodine, for healthy cognitive function
  • Vitamin B5, for healthy mental performance
  • Potassium, for muscle function and hydration
  • Vitamin B2 and B12, to reduce tiredness and fatigue

RELATED: Good news for milk lovers: full fat is fine (so quit drinking that awful skim stuff)

But though a cup of milk is a nutrient bomb, Australian Bureau of Statistics data show that nearly three-quarters of women and half of men don’t eat the recommended three servings of dairy a day — and that the number of people shunning dairy is rising, particularly among women.

That’s a problem, because not eating enough dairy could lead to nutritional imbalances and diseases such as osteoporosis.

According to Strazdins, many Australians don’t eat enough dairy because they don’t know they’re supposed to eat three serves a day. (FYI, a serve of dairy is equal to a cup of milk, 40g of hard cheese, and a small tub of yoghurt.)

RELATED: What you need to know before you cut back on dairy

Research commissioned by Lion Dairy and Drinks — which has launched the Milk Loves You Back campaign to encourage Australians to drink more milk — also shows many of us are confused by conflicting health information about dairy.

Many people blame stomach troubles like bloating on a dairy intolerance which may or may not be the culprit, while some have turned to dairy alternatives such as soy milk and almond milk that mightn’t have the same nutrition benefits.

Others cut dairy believing it will help them lose weight — when some research suggests that strategy might have the opposite effect.

Strazdins believes it’s simple to work milk and other dairy products back into your diet.

“Pour some milk on your cereal in the morning, enjoy a milky latte, pop some cheese in your sandwich or salad at lunch,” she suggests. “Or if people prefer they could simply enjoy a tub of yogurt as afternoon snack or dessert.”

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