Mediterranean diet may be best for cutting the most harmful type of fat

By Sam Downing|

All body fat is not created equal.

There are two broad types of body fat: subcutaneous fat, the kind that sits right underneath the skin; and visceral fat, the kind stored deep inside the abdomen.

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Most people fret most about subcutaneous fat, but it's visceral fat that's far worse for your health because of the pressure it puts on organs such as the heart, the pancreas and especially the liver.

But is aiming to reduce weight overall enough to reduce the most harmful forms of visceral fat, or do different diets have different effects on different stores of body fat? They're some of the questions Israeli researcher sought to untangle in a study published in the Journal of Hepatology.

A team from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) conducted a weight-loss trial that lasted 18 months and included almost 300 participants — mostly men with abdominal obesity, meaning they carried high levels of visceral fat.

For the trial period, participants were randomised to one of two diets.

The first was a low-fat diet where fat accounted for no more than 30 percent of participants' total daily energy intake, and saturated fat for no more than 10 percent. They were also instructed to increase their fibre intake from low-fat grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

(Though this diet was dubbed "low fat", those fat intake percentages are in line with Australian government health recommendations.)

The second diet combined a Mediterranean-style diet (one rich in vegetables, olive oil and nuts and low in red meat, with poultry and fish replacing beef and lamb) with a low-carb diet (up to 70g carbohydrates each day for most of the trial).

Both diets were pretty healthy: each aimed to restrict intake of trans-fats and refined carbohydrates, and increase intake of vegetables.

Participants regularly checked in with a dietitian for nutrition support. After six months they were also prescribed an exercise program: three one-hour sessions each week in the gym, that combined cardio and resistance training.

Their body fat composition was measured using MRI before, during and after the trial. After 18 months, their overall weight loss was moderate — only about 3kg on average.

But the low-carb Mediterranean diet had a greater effect on reducing fat around the liver (by about 30 percent) and the heart (11 percent) compared to low-fat diets with similar calorie counts.

Moderate physical exercise also reduced the amount of visceral fat stored around the stomach.

The researchers noted that high levels of liver fat are linked to metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

"Reduction in liver fat is a better predictor of long-term health than reduction of visceral fat, which was previously believed to be the main predictor," said study leader Professor Iris Shai, from BGU's S. Daniel Abraham International Center for Health and Nutrition and School of Public Health, in a statement.

"The findings are a significant contributor to the emerging understanding that for many obese individuals, excess liver fat is not merely a sign of health risks associated with obesity, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but is likely also a cause."

The researchers added that study participants were mostly men who, aside from being overweight or obese, were otherwise healthy — so the results may not apply to everyone.

But the research suggests that how you lose weight may have different effects on your long-term health.

"Healthy nutrition, while also maintaining consistent, moderate weight loss, has a much more dramatic impact on levels of body fat related to diabetes, heart disease and cardiovascular disease than we previously thought," Shai added.

READ NEXT: How to start the Mediterranean diet

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