Should exercise calories be added to food labels? Here's what dietitians think

By Kristine Tarbert |

For the most part, we know how many calories are in a particular food or drink thanks to the nutrition panel on the packaging.

But if the label instead told you how long you'd need to walk to burn off said calories, would that change your decision to eat the food in the first place?

That is what researchers at the Loughborough University in the UK believe is the key to tackling obesity. By labelling foods with their physical activity calorie equivalent (PACE), they claim it will be easier for people to understand the nutritional information.

But despite the need for food awareness and education to help tackle the ever-present obesity problem, not everyone is convinced it's a good idea.

READ MORE: Dietitian Susie Burrell explains what your food cravings could mean

People running exercise couple beach jogging
Including exercise calories on food labels is being suggested as a way to tackle obesity. (Getty)

Amanda Daly, professor of behavioural medicine at Loughborough University, presented the PACE idea at the International Congress on Obesity in Melbourne last month and said trials of the labelling in cafeterias and vending machines had been promising.

"Our initial findings have shown that when you put PACE labelling in a context where people have to make decisions about foods, it reduces the number of calories that the public select for consumption, which is exactly the thing that we're trying to do," Daly told ABC Radio Perth

"Most of the public are overweight, most of us are eating a little bit too much food and not doing quite enough physical activity.

"We've also found that the public have said that if PACE labelling was introduced, it would help them to think about what they eat, but also to reduce their purchasing of really high-calorie foods."

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PACE food labelling
Labelling foods with their physical activity calorie equivalent (PACE) might make it easier for people to understand the nutritional information. (Loughborough University)
PACE food labelling
PACE food would reveal how much exercise it would take to burn off the calories consumed. (Loughborough University)

The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics health survey, conducted in 2018, found that 67 per cent of adults in Australia and 25 per cent of children were overweight or obese.

Dietitian Susie Burrell believes the labelling could work, but wonders how it will be interpreted.

"I don't think its a bad thing because anything that brings awareness to calories is a good thing," she tells 9Honey Coach.

"But there are 'healthy' foods with high calories, so how would healthier options be differentiated? That would be my question."

But while the labelling could provide useful information to people, others stress that a healthy lifestyle is about more than just calories.

Dietitian Alice Bleathman says the method "oversimplifies nutrition".

"Having information on how much exercise to do to burn off the calories in packaged food overly simplifies nutrition, completely disregards the multiple facets of health, and encourages disordered eating and exercise habits," Bleathman tells 9Honey Coach.

"On the outset, putting the type or amount of exercise required to burn off the food appears easier to understand than other attempts to interpret the nutrition information panel."

dietitian alice beathman
Alice Bleathman says the method "oversimplifies nutrition". (Supplied)

But she points out that food provides more than just calories.

"It contains vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants which are also incredibly important for our health," she tells us.

"Labelling foods based off the exercise required to burn off the food also does nothing to educate the consumer on why one choice may be more nutritious than another, despite having similar energy compositions. For example, 200 calories of almonds vs 200 calories of ice cream."

You do not need to 'earn' your food through exercise. This way of thinking can quickly become quite disordered.

Another concern Bleathman has about this system is that it may teach people that they need to earn their food.

"You do not need to 'earn' your food through exercise. This way of thinking can quickly become quite disordered, and may spark a poor relationship with food, exercise and the body.

"This system elicits shame towards certain foods and exercise behaviours which can have a detrimental impact on people's relationship with food, exercise and body, especially those already at risk of or exercising eating disorders."

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Health star rating
In Australia the Health Star rating is used to help guide consumers' choices. (Department of Health)

The last thing to highlight, according to Bleathman, is that the 'PACE' is a huge estimate.

"Not only is the intensity of the exercise not stated (which has a huge impact on the calories burnt), but it also doesn't take into account the fact that bodies are different shapes and sizes, and they will use energy differently, even if doing the same exercise," she says.

"I truly believe that focusing on whole foods, balanced meals, and limiting processed foods is the best way to navigate the supermarket at the moment. For lasting well-being, public-health programs should help improve access to a variety of healthy foods and educate on healthy preparation methods.

"And with regards to exercise, education and programs need to encourage people to exercise for its inherent value, not to burn off food."

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